
The Political Leaders’ Affiliation Database 

The Political Leader’s Affiliation Dataset was compiled under the supervision of Charlotte Robert, Kerstin Unfried, Andreas Kammerlander and me. It contains information on the birthplaces and the ethnicities of the effective leaders as defined in the Archigos database around the globe for the years 1989 - 2018. The dataset is at the political leader level and reports information on 1044 effective leaders. You can download it here or via Harvard dataverse. The codebook provides further information on the variables and definitions. 

Although we checked the data diligently, we are aware that such a comprehensive project may be prone to errors and thus invite any comments and hints to improve the dataset further via email to The database is regularly updated. 

When using the data, please cite “Pietro Bomprezzi, Axel Dreher, Andreas Fuchs, Teresa Hailer, Andreas Kammerlander, Lennart Kaplan, Silvia Marchesi, Tania Masi, Charlotte Robert, Kerstin Unfried. "Wedded to Prosperity? Informal influence and Regional Favoritism". mimeo"