
Current projects

Structural antecedents of conspiracy beliefs: how precarity, inequality and low institutional trust contribute to the endorsement of conspiracy beliefs; principle investigator (VEGA 2/0035/24)

Reducing the spread of disinformation, psuedoscience and bullshit; led by: PaedDr. Vladimira Kurincová Čavojová, PhD (APVV-20-0335)

Psychological context of unfounded information and beliefs related to the COVID-19 pandemic; led by: Prof. Mgr. Peter Halama, PhD (APVV-20-0387)

Completed projects

Gender and risk-taking: the role of social and situational antecedents on performance in risk-related tasks (MSCA-IF) (abstract).

Risk assessment in decision making of individuals on the personal and company/business finances and business opportunities (VEGA).

Cognitive failures - individual predictors and intervention possibilities (APVV).