Research papers

Research papers

Adamus, M. et al. (2024). The mediating effect of institutional trust in the relationship between precarity and conspiracy beliefs: A conceptual replication of Adam-Troian et al. (2023). British Journal of Social Psychology. n.d. doi: 10.1111/bjso.12725 

Grežo, M., Adamus, M., & Tencerová, J. (2024). Palliative and hegemonic aspects of conservatism: The mitigating role of institutional trust in shaping attitudes towards migrants and migration policy preferences. Frontiers in Psychology. 15(2024). 

Adamus, M. & Ballová Mikušková, E. (2024). Gender discrimination and the backlash effect in recruitment and dismissal processes: experimental evidence from Slovakia", Gender in Management, 39(1), pp. 107-129. Q1, IF: 3.7. 

Adamus, M., Šrol, J., Čavojova, V., & Ballová Mikušková, E. (2023). Seeing past the tip of your own nose? How outward and self-centred orientations could contribute to closing the green gap despite helplessness. BMC Psychology. 11, 79 (open access). Indexed in WoS (current contents), Scopus, Q1, IF: 2.588.

Adamus, M., Čavojova, V., & Ballová Mikušková, E. (2023). Emotional drivers of the vaccination hesitancy and refusal: a dataset from Slovakia. Data in Brief. April, 108980. (online first).  Indexed in WoS, Scopus, Q4. 

Adamus, M. & Ballová Mikušková, E. (2023). Into the black box: challenging the myths in quantitative research on differences between men and women – the case of risky behaviour. Human Affairs. 33(1), pp. 13-33 (URL). Indexed in WoS, Scopus, Q2.

Schaerer, M., et al. (2023). On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Vol. 179(104280). (full text). Indexed in WoS, Q1, IF: 4.6

Olsson et al. (2023) Gender gap in parental leave intentions: Evidence from 37 countries. Political Psychology. (online first) Indexed in WoS (current contents), Scopus, Q1, IF: 4.804

Grežo, M., Adamus, M., & Kaššaiová, Z. (2022) Exploring the Factorial Structure, Criterion Validity, and General Level of Institutional Trust in Slovakia. Sociologicky časopis, 58(6), pp. 671-698. (URL). Indexed in WoS (current contents), Scopus, Q2.

Adamus, M., Čavojova, V., & Ballová Mikušková, E. (2022). Fear trumps the common good: Psychological antecedents of vaccination attitudes and behaviour. Acta Psychologica, vol. 227, 103606 (URL).  Indexed in WoS (current contents), Scopus, Q1, IF: 1.734

Čavojova, V., Adamus, M., & Ballová Mikušková, E. (2022). You before me: How vertical collectivism and feelings of threat predicted more socially desirable behavior during COVID-19 pandemic. Current Psychology, n.d. (URL). Indexed in WoS  (current contents), Scopus, Q2, IF: 4.297

Grežo, M. & Adamus, M. (2022). Light and Dark core of personality and the adherence to COVID-19 containment measures: The roles of motivation and trust in government. Acta Psychologica, vol. 223, 103483. (URL). Indexed in WoS (current contents), Scopus, Q1, IF: 1.734

Adamus, M. & Ballová Mikušková, Eva. Appetites grow with age: Wage expectations among Slovak men and women. In Ekonomický časopis, 2021, vol. 69, no. 9, s. 885-906. (URL) Indexed in WoS (current contents), Scopus, Q3, IF: 0.690

Adamus, M., Grežo, M., & Dudeková, K. (2021). Stereotypes Concerns and a Discreet Existence of Differences Between Men and Women in Risk-Aversion – a Replication Study. Studia Psychologica, 63(3), pp. 221-251.  (URL). Indexed in WoS (current contents), Scopus, Q3, IF: 0.85

Adamus, M. & Grežo, M. (2021). Individual differences in behavioural responses to the financial threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences. vol. 179 (September, 2021). (URL). Indexed in WoS (current contents), Scopus, Q1; IF: 3.004

Adamus, M., Čavojová, V., & Šrol, J. (2021). Male world of entrepreneurship: the impact of gender stereotypes and gender-role self-concept on women’s entrepreneurial intentions. Gender in Management: an International Journal. n.d. (URL). Indexed in WoS (current contents), Scopus, Q2 IF: 1.34

Čavojová, V., & Šrol, J., & Adamus, M. (2018). My point is valid, yours is not: myside bias in reasoning about abortion. Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 30(7), pp. 656-669. (URL). Indexed in WoS (current contents), Scopus, Q2

Adamus, M. (2017). Reasons for doing good: Behavioural explanations of prosociality in economics. Economics and Sociology. 10(1), pp. 122-134. (URL), Indexed in Scopus, Q1