1. Editorial Board, Electronics, Since 2020~ (Semi-loaded)

  2. Section Editor , International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Since 2020~ (Full-loaded)

  3. Editorial Board , SMART AGRICULTURE, Since 2019~ (Semi-loaded)

  4. Associate Editor, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Since 2018~ (Full-loaded)

  5. Editorial Board, IEEE Network Magazine, Since 2018~(Semi-loaded)

  6. Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Since 2017~ (Full-loaded)

  7. Editorial Board, Sensors, Since 2017~ (Semi-loaded)

  8. Associate Editor, Springer Telecommunication Systems, Since 2016~ (Semi-loaded)

  9. Assoicate Editor, Springer Human-centric Computing and Information Science, Since 2016~ (Semi-loaded)

  10. Associate Editor, IEEE Systems Journal, Since 2015~ (Full-loaded)

  11. Associate Editor, IEEE Access, Since 2014~ (Semi-loaded)

  12. Editorial Board, International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Since 2010~ (Semi-loaded)

Retired from the following journals:

  1. Associate Technical Editor, IEEE Communications Magazine, Since 2017~2020 (retired)

  2. Editorial Board, Intelligent Industrial Systems, Springer, Since 2014~2018 (retired)

  3. Editor in Chief, EAI Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, Since 2013 ~ 2017 (retired)

  4. Editorial Board, ACM Wireless Networks, Since 2014~2017 (retired)

  5. Editorial Board, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier, Since 2013 ~2016 (retired)

  6. Editorial Board, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, Since 2012 ~2016 (retired)

  7. Editorial Board, IET Networks, Since 2011-2016 (retired)

  8. Editorial Board, IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 2013-2016 (retired)

  9. Editorial Board, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Since 2011-2016 (retired)

  10. Associate Editor, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Wiley, Since 2011-2016 (retired)

  11. Editorial Board, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Wiley, Since 2011-2016 (retired)

  12. Editorial Board, International Journal of Sensor Networks, Indersicence, Since 2011-2016 (retired)

  13. Editorial Board, Journal of Communications, Since 2010-2016 (retired)

  14. Editorial Board, IET Communications, Since 2010-2016 (retired)

  15. Editorial Board, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Since 2010-2016 (retired)

  16. Editorial Board, Journal of Internet Technology, Since 2010-2016 (retired)



  1. Technical Track Co-Chair, INDIN 2021.

  2. Publicity Chair, DCOSS 2021.

  3. Industry Tutorials Co-Chair, GLOBECOM 2021. Link: https://www.comsoc.org/conferences-events/ieee-global-communications-conference-2021


  1. Special Session Co-Chair, INDIN 2020. Link: http://indin2020.medmeeting.org/en file

  2. Publicity Co-Chair, ICIN 2020. Link: https://www.icin-conference.org/ file

  3. Publicity Co-Chair,DCOSS 2020. Link: http://www.dcoss.org/committees-organizing.html

  4. TPC Chair,IndustrialIoT 2020. Link: http://industrialiot-conf.org/organizing-committee/ file

  5. Publication Chair, IEEE ICCC 2020. Link: https://iccc2020.ieee-iccc.org/

  6. TPC Co-Chair, ITIA 2020. Link: http://itia.xintongconference.com/Page


  1. TPC Leading Chair, ACM ICNCC 2019. Link: http://www.icncc.org/?tdsourcetag=s_pcqq_aiomsg file

  2. General Chair, SCI 2019. Link: http://www.smart-world.org/2019/sci/cmt.php?tdsourcetag=s_pcqq_aiomsg file

  3. Track Chair, 3PGCIC 2019. Link: http://voyager.ce.fit.ac.jp/conf/3pgcic/2019/ file

  4. TPC Chair, ISITC 2019. Link: http://www.isitc2019.com/?tdsourcetag=s_pcqq_aiomsg file


  1. TPC Co-Chair, NCAA 2018. Link: http://scs.cuit.edu.cn/ncca_cxwy.html file

  2. General Co-Chair, DependSys 2018. Link: http://www.spaccs.org/dependsys2018 file


  1. TPC Co-Chair, INISCOM 2017. Link: http://archive.iniscom.org/2017/show/org-com file

  2. TPC Co-Chair, Simutools 2017. Link: http://simutools.eai-conferences.org/organizing-committee/ file

  3. TPC Co-Chair, WMNC 2017. Link: http://jlloret.webs.upv.es/wmnc2017/committee_local.html file

  4. TPC Chair, Chinacom 2017. Link: http://chinacom.eai-conferences.org/organizing-committee/ file

  5. General Co-Chair, Healthcom 2017. Link: https://healthcom2017.ieee-healthcom.org/committees/organizing-committee file

  6. General Co-Chair, Collaboratecom 2017. Link: http://collaboratecom.eai-conferences.org/organizing-committee/ file


  1. Publicity Chair, Mobiquitous 2016. Link: http://archive.mobiquitous.org/2016/show/org-com file

  2. Track Chair, FiCloud 2016. Link: http://www.ficloud.org/2016/organinzingcommittee.php file

  3. Track Co-Chair, ICCC 2016. Link: http://iccc2016.ieee-iccc.org/committee/ file

  4. Special Session Co-Chair, IECON 2016. Link: http://www.iecon2016.org/index.php/welcome/special-sessions/ file

  5. TPC Co-Chair, NCCA 2016. Link: http://tcapp.dbw.org.cn/portal.php?mod=list&catid=5 file

  6. TPC Chair, WICON 2016. Link: http://archive.wicon.org/2016/show/org-com file


  1. General Co-Chair, Qshine 2015. Link: http://archive.qshine.org/2015/show/org-com file

  2. Steering Co-Chair, InisCom 2015. Link: http://archive.iniscom.org/2015/show/org-com file

  3. TPC Chair, NCCA 2015. Link: http://tcapp.dbw.org.cn/portal.php?mod=list&catid=5


  1. Publicity Co-Chair, CITS 2014. Link: http://atc.udg.edu/CITS2014/ file

  2. Track Co-Chair, ComManTel 2014.

  3. Program Co-Chair, SNDS 2014. Link: http://www.iiitmk.ac.in/snds/ipc.html file

  4. Program Co-Chair, HP3C 2014.

  5. General Co-Chair, Chinacom 2014. Link: http://archive.chinacom.org/2014/show/org-com file

  6. TPC, ComComAp 2014. Link: http://comcomap.net/2014/comittees/ file


  1. Track Co-Chair, ComManTel 2013.

  2. Publicity Co-Chair, ICNC 2013. Link: http://www.conf-icnc.org/2013/index.htm file

  3. Publicity Co-Chair, SPECTS 2013.

  4. Publicity Co-Chair, CITS 2013. Link: http://atc.udg.edu/CITS2013/ file

  5. Symposium Co-Chair, CHINACOM 2013. Link: http://archive.chinacom.org/2013/show/prog-com file

  6. Publicity Co-Chair, Healthcom 2013. Link: http://healthcom2013.ieee-healthcom.org/committee.html#.XTFC6dPkRCM file

  7. Special Session Co-Chair, PIMRC 2013. Link: http://pimrc2013.ieee-pimrc.org/index.html

  8. Program Chair, MMASN 2013.

  9. Publication Chair, Mobiquitous 2013. Link: http://archive.mobiquitous.org/2013/show/org-com file


  1. Publicity Co-Chair, ICNC 2012. Link: http://www.conf-icnc.org/2012/index.htm file

  2. Publicity Co-Chair, CITS 2012.

  3. Symposium Co-Chair, ICC 2012. Link: http://icc2012.ieee-icc.org/committee.html file

  4. Track Co-Chair, ICCIT 2012. Link: http://www.iccit-conf.org/previous-years/iccit-2012/ file

  5. Symposium Co-Chair, IWCMC 2012. Link: http://iwcmc.org/2012/files/symposiums.html file

  6. Track Co-Chair, EIDWT 2012. Link: http://voyager.ce.fit.ac.jp/conf/eidwt/2012/comitees.html file

  7. Publicity Co-Chair, WPMC 2012. Link: http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=19348


  1. Special Session Co-Chair, CAMAD 2011.

  2. Publicity Co-Chair, ISCC 2011. file

  3. Symposium Co-Chair, IWCMC 2011.

  4. Track Co-Chair, EIDWT 2011. Link: http://listserv.linguistlist.org/pipermail/ln/2011-March/006878.html file

  5. Publicity Co-Chair, PICom 2011. Link: http://www.swinflow.org/confs/picom2011/committees.htm file


  1. Workshop Co-Chair, CIT 2010.

  2. Symposium Co-Chair, CHINACOM 2010. Link: http://archive.chinacom.org/2010/orgcom.html file

  3. Publicity Co-Chair, BodyNets 2010. Link: http://archive.bodynets.org/2010/orgncomm.shtml file

  4. Workshop Co-Chair, MINES 2010.


  1. Publicity Co-Chair, EUC 2009. Link: http://cse.stfx.ca/~euc09/org-committees.html file

  2. Publicity Co-Chair, EmbeddedCom 2009.