
  • Korea is a very special country for me, I started my research career there, and was trained with the basic capability for doing research. Originally, I though I might stay in Korea for more than 10 years, but it was not like the plan. However, till now, I am still able to speak some Korean language. This makes me have more favorites with Korean in my personal daily life, e.g., watch Korean movies and eat Korean food. I appreciate a lot to Prof. Sungyoung Lee's guidance during my master course.
  • Ireland is another country which also gave me a lot. In Ireland, I obtained a lot of new skills for paper writing and doing research. My professor Manfred Hauswirth is a very nice supervisor, he not only cares about my research work, but also cares about my long term career development as well as personal life. He always tried his best to give me support and freedom for my research work with encouragement. I respect and like him very much.
  • I stayed in Osaka University, Japan for quite a while and followed Prof. Dr. Shojiro Nishio (Link: and Prof. Dr. Takahiro Hara (Link: Both of my supervisors are very nice persons and gave me a lot of freedom and support. I got most of my recent academic achievements during my stay in Osaka Uni. I sincerely respect and appreciate my two Japanese supervisors.
  • Since October, 2012, for family reason, I started to work in Maoming, Guangdong, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology with a free apartment from the university and annual salary equal to USA average level for full professor.
  • Since October 2016, I started to have a joint honourable professor position in University of Lincoln, UK as "Lincoln Professor". Thanks a lot for my collaborators in University of Lincoln, UK, Prof. Timothy Gordon and Dr. Yu Zhang.
  • Since October 2017, I started to work in Nanjing Agricultural University, China as a Distinguished Professor, and I am launching a new research center with University of Lincoln, UK in Nanjing Agricultural University, China towards Intelligent Engineering.

Own View on Our Life and Working

  • Be Super Positive!Be Super Positive! Be Super Positive!
  • Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!
  • The only difference between people is the dream, different people have different dreams and the attitude of life!
  • I have nothing! But work! If I cannot work or do not work, what else can be meaningful for the life?
  • Career! It is a life time long work, your will have work to do after every each day! It is important to have a long-term vision!
  • I also want to go for travelling, but I still have review to do! Work hard! Work hard! Work hard!
  • The time for people to work is very short, only around 30 years! If we achieve one big step in each year, and a small step in each month, we can have 360 small steps in 30 years, do we know how to achieve this small step in each month?
  • I cherish every friend, because every trusted friend is my career partner in my lifetime!
  • I respect and love my professor, he cares both my research work and long term career development!
  • I am already 30 years old. It is the time to work hard so that I can take care of my old parents!
  • I do not look down up peasants! Because I am also the son of peasants!
  • Music, indeed, is the discussion and communication between souls!
  • To survive, we need money! To live, we need heart! Work hard, and live with heart and mind!
  • 伟大是熬出来的 -- 为民族做点事
  • 人和人的差别就在于不同的人所怀有的不同的理想,人生追求,和生活态度!
  • 我一无所有!剩下就只是工作了!如果不努力工作,人生还有什么意义?
  • 男人做的大事业,是一个一辈子的过程!不是一朝一夕能完成的。目光要长远!
  • 我也想去郊游!可是我还有Review没有做完!努力!努力!努力!
  • 人一辈子可以工作的时间很短暂,只有短短30年!一年一个大台阶,一个月一个小台阶。30年360个台阶里,你清楚你每个小台阶怎么走吗?
  • 我珍惜每一个朋友,因为每一个值得我信任和珍惜的朋友,都是我一辈子的事业伙伴!
  • 我敬爱我的博士导师,因为他既然能够像我的父亲一样关心到我的个人生活和长远的事业发展!
  • 年过30,当努力工作,以报答父母养育之恩。
  • 我不看不起农民!我也是农民的儿子!
  • 音乐说到底,是灵魂与灵魂之间的交流和对话!
  • 生存,需要钱。生活,需要心。努力挣钱,用心生活吧!...
  • 功成名就不是目的,让自己快乐才叫做意义!