Fire Cadets


The Lego City Fire Cadets is a program for ages 12 to 18 that meet twice a week at LCFB Station 5 to learn more about being a firefighter. In order to be a cadet you must have the following criteria:

-A citizen of Lego City

-12-18 years old

-Have not been kicked out of any previous Fire Cadet program.

In cadets you learn about the promising career of being a firefighter. You will learn teamwork, discipline, strength, and endurance. You also learn skills such as talking on the radio, the deployment of hoses and ladders off the fire truck, the fire brigade ranking system, and many other cool things!


LCFB Fire Cadets meet twice a week. On Tuesdays and Thursday evenings (6:45pm to 9:00pm), plus many optional weekend activity days. Meet around the WEST DOOR of LCFB Station 5 where the Assistant Chief of the LCFB (and the head of the LCFB cadet program) will give you further instructions.


LCFB Fire Cadets have 2 different uniforms. The first one is called "turnouts" and is a pair of black overalls and a black jacket (supplied for free by the LCFB). The second uniform is called the "dress" uniform and is only worn on special occasions, always ask if you are unsure what to wear.


Quite like the LCFB, Fire Cadets have their own ranking system. You are given promotions if:

- You have stayed for more than 6 months in your current rank

-You have an attendance rate of 85% or more

-You excel in your duties.

Below are the ranks (and the number of cadets in that position allowed at each station) used in the LCFB fire cadets.


Even though the Fire Cadet program is free it is mandated that all Fire Cadets come along to both of our fundraising events. The first one is held once a year (often in February -June) and involves going out and raising money for the Lego Emergency Services Museum. The second one is bringing in presents for the Christmas Toy Drive which happens every year at Christmas.


More info coming soon...


The LCFB Cadets getting a tour of HazMat 1

The LCFB Cadets practicing with the Rapid Deployment Ladder.

The LCFB Cadets often get experience acting in loads of scenarios to help the real firefighters train.