Paper types: 

In view of the novelty of this workshop focus, three primary types of papers are sought: Research, Application and Ideation. Research papers should include some form of empirical evaluation, appropriate to the nature of the paper. Application papers should actively demonstrate one or more of the themes above involving comparative studies, evaluation or other type of examination.   Ideation papers are similar to a position paper in that experimental results are not required. However, while Ideation papers permit discussion of ideas that are not tested, they should be testable. An Ideation paper should contain concrete proposals on how the ideas would be evaluated and implemented, and the significance or impact of doing so.  


Submission guidelines:  

Papers should be no longer than 12 pages. Authors should submit their papers using the same two-column paper format used for CEUR-WS proceedings.  Papers must be formatted as per the CEUR proceedings guidelines: .  Latex style files and MS Word templates (docx) can be found in this zip file: . The 2-column versions should be used.  

While papers can be prepared using LaTeX or Word, all papers should be converted to PDF prior to submission. Reviews will not be blind, so papers should contain author information. 

Papers should be submitted to the following email address:  organizers [at] legalAIIA [dot] org, with the subject line “RESEARCH” or “APPLICATION” or “IDEATION”, based on the submitted paper type.   Questions may be directed to the co-organizers via the email addresses included on the "Contacts" page.  At least one author of an accepted paper is expected to attend the workshop either in-person or virtually (online).



All accepted workshop papers will be included in the main LegalAIIA 2023 Proceedings.  The Proceedings will also be submitted to CEUR-WS  for online publication.   The CEUR workshop template to appear on the title page of papers will be made available on this page in the near future.

Publication opportunities: 

Papers accepted for presentation will be available online prior to the workshop.  Papers will also be published on the CEUR workshop website and indexed by the DBLP Computer Science database. 


Examples from LegalAIIA 2021 and 2019: 

CEUR-WS Workshop websites: 

Indexed DBLP database:


Selected papers may be proposed for publication in a special issue of the Artificial Intelligence and Law journal or as chapters in a book on AI and Intelligent Assistance for Legal Professionals in the Digital Workplace. 

Deadline for Submissions:
