Participation is invited through the submission of original works on topics relevant to these research themes, including but not limited to:


Human-Computer Interaction Studies in the Context of AI or IA Systems

Explainability, Fairness, Ethics


Specific Applications


General Statement on Submissions

Submissions are not limited to the specific examples above. Any research involving the application of AI or ML to the legal domain, as well as complementary technologies such as NLP, IR, DM, NER, is welcome as a workshop submission to submit to the workshop. Material that addresses some of the themes and issues presented above should be integral to the discussion section of such works.


AI & Ethics at LegalAIIA

All submissions to LegalAIIA are strongly encouraged to include a section that addresses the ethical implications of the work being undertaken as well as topics related to the subject matter of the paper. Full papers that are focused on this topic within the specific context of the conference would also be appropriate for submission to the workshop.



This workshop is an outgrowth of the popular and successful decade-long DESI (Discovery for Electronically Stored Information) series of workshops. (See