3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Assistance
for Legal Professionals in the Digital Workplace (LegalAIIA)
Monday, 19 June 2023 | Braga, Portugal
Co-located with
3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Assistance for Legal Professionals in the Digital Workplace (LegalAIIA 2023)
This workshop provides a platform for examining questions surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intelligent Assistance (IA), also known as Augmented Intelligence, for legal tasks, including those related to legal practitioners’ interaction with digital information. The focus of the workshop will be on better understanding the interaction between AI/IA and human capabilities.
Over the past two decades, the growing use of machine learning (ML) and other artificial intelligence technologies has significantly increased legal professionals’ abilities to efficiently access, process, and analyze digital information. AI breakthroughs continue to improve everything from advanced search to information extraction and visualization, and from data summarization, classification, and review to the automation of legal-services tasks. At the same time, concerns over transparency and agency as well as the potential limitations and risks of fully automated approaches to problems in the legal space have led to an upsurge in interest in methods that incorporate human intelligence—the human-in- the-loop approach to AI. The debate over using AI as a replacement for humans, as opposed to an augmentation of human abilities (otherwise known as Intelligent Assistance or “IA”), has never been greater, especially given the current fervor over the release of Deep Learning (DL) and Large Language Model-based applications (LLMs) like ChatGPT (via GPT-3.5/4.0) or Bard. In terms of these next generation applications, one question to be asked is: under what conditions will legal practitioners rely on these powerful underlying models in the future as AI-enabled independent agents, or, by contrast, as intelligent assistants, to bolster their own professional skills rather than replace them. Will they be used to write an attorney’s legal brief, or, rather, will they be used simply to supply an outline or a suggested first draft? Clearly, additional research into the nature, degree, and efficiency of the AI or IA contributions to various use cases is needed to ensure that these efforts and resources are deployed effectively and appropriately.
Open questions remain about the conditions in which human interaction and oversight is necessary to produce more effective results, for example, whether the human or the AI should be the primary driver in the collaboration, and whether or how increased interpretability and explainability of AI models is necessary for acceptable and successful human-AI collaboration in the legal domain. Proposals on how best to evaluate various methods of human augmentation are welcome, as are analyses of the ethical implications of adopting AI as replacement versus AI as augmentation in legal applications. Human augmentation may be focused on a number of different areas, such as legal practitioners, consumers of legal services, or business concerns around legal topics.
We are grateful to CEUR-WS.org for being one of the sponsors of this workshop.