The LegalAIIA workshop organizers were contacted by the authors of ten prospective papers. In the end, nine papers were submitted and considered by the workshop's Organizing and Review Committees. One of the papers was found to be a more suitable match for the ASAIL workshop and was forwarded to that forum. One of the papers was originally submitted to the XAILA workshop and was forwarded to LegalAIIA as a more suitable match. The paper was accepted by LegalAIIA, but its author will not be able to participate in the workshop. And one of the papers was not accepted due to matters of substance. The remaining six papers are being presented. Three of them are IDEATION papers and will be presented in the morning, while the other three are RESEARCH papers and will be presented in the afternoon.

The papers and their authors and author affiliations are listed below.


(1) An Approach to Human Machine Teaming in Legal Investigations Using Anchored Narrative Visualisation and Machine Learning

Simon Attfield, Bob Fields, David Windridge, Kai Xu

Middlesex University

(2) Utilizing AI in the Legal Assistance Sector

Andrew Mowbray, Philip Chung, Graham Greenleaf

University of Technology - Sydney, University of New South Wales

(3) Distilling Jurisprudence through Argument Mining for Case Assessment

Rachel Rietveld, Julien Rossi, Evangelos Kanoulas

University of Amsterdam


(4) Evaluation of Seed Set Selection Approaches and Active Learning Strategies in Predictive Coding

Christian J. Mahoney, Nathaniel Huber-Fliflet, Haozhen Zhao, Jianping Zhang, Peter Gronvall, Shi Ye

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Ankura Consulting Group, LLC

(5) Technology Assisted Analysis of Timeline and Connections in Digital Forensic Investigations

Hans Henseler, Jessica Hyde

Magnet Forensics, University of Applied Sciences (Leiden, NL), George Mason University (Fairfax, VA)

(6) Pre-trained Contextual Embeddings for Litigation Code Classification

Max Bartolo, Kamil Tylinski, Alastair Moore

UCL, Mishcon de Reya LLP.