Total Playtime: 7-8 Minutes

Splıt/Second Arcade Edıtıon: Wangan

publısher: espn arcade

developer: sılent bay studıos

Download Size: 49,1 MB | Release Date: January 13, 2012


Welcome to Split/Second Wangan! Race through the cities of Tokyo, wreck your opponents with PowerPlays, drift to gain score and finish first before your car turns to dust! There are 3 races and 4 cars, after finishing the game you will be rewarded a shiny new car!

Samurai: Acceleration 5/6 Handling 2/6

Galleon: Acceleration 6/6 Handling 1/6

Berseker: Acceleration 1/6 Handling 6/6

Devil (Unlockable): Acceleration 5/6 Handling 5/6