Other Projects

Here are some of the other webgame preservation projects and/or their Discord servers out there! Check them out!

OneWeakness is a great archival project, aiming to preserve Shockwave games for play right in your browser! 

Officine Pixel, the creators of the legendary FFX Runner/On The Run games are back! They have made the source for their games available on GitHub, as well as creating a small community on Discord. Click their picture on the left to join their server!

Gamevial, known for games like Fly Like a Bird, TeamTanks, or We Are the Robots is still here! But under a different name. "Raven-Woods" as it is called, has many of the old Gamevial games archived and in perfectly working order. Not only that, they also have a Discord server (which you can join by clicking the picture) and even an Itch.io page!

Do you remember the Motor Wars series? Sled Bash? Their creators haven't gone missing, and they are still making cool games! Check out their website by clicking the picture.

SoulKey (now BrutalStrike), known for TrackRacing ONLINE are still here! Better yet, they are still working on games, even today! Click their picture to join their Discord server.

RC Laser Warrior... Another amazing game lost when shockwave.com removed all their games... Did you know there is still a playable, trimmed down version of it? You can download it by joining the server! (Click on the picture located on the left)

Did you know there are other projects out there aiming to preserve flash games? These are some of them! Why not check them out? They already got a pretty big number of games preserved! (Flash Games Server and Flash Game Library are the Discord servers you should join)

There is a Russian VK group dedicated to Burnin' Rubber and LegacyShockwave. They post a lot of interesting articles, pictures, and news. Check them out by clicking the image on the left! (The whole page is in RUSSIAN so we'd recommend using translate if you are not a Russian speaker)

Koreans have one of the strongest communities when it comes webgames, and Burnin' Rubber is no exception. Still relatively active, it's a really cool place to look out for mods, articles, and more! Clicking the picture on the left will lead you to the website! (The whole website is in KOREAN. Also, you can't sign up on the platform without a Korean phone number. We'd recommend using a translator if you are not a Korean speaker)

Also known as LegacyWebplayer, Old Martian Games are reviving many online-only web games such as Carbon Combat and Motor Wars 2. They've begun curating many WebPlayer games as well. They're like us but for Unity WebPlayer!