
Help Sectıon

My game does not Launch! (black screen)

This is a problem known to affect Windows 10 + Nvidia GPUs but can happen to anyone. There is a solution, though. Use the exe attached below or watch the video! Using the exe is recommended. Some games only work in GameLoad or Basilisk 32-Bit, and some only in SPRs and projectors. Unity games only work on GameLoad and Basilisk 32-Bit. Make sure you selected the correct files on the projector!

Download and use this fix from eventHandler:

Note: Your antivirus might detect the file, it is a false positive. You may need to run the exe several times or restart your computer!

Exe didn't work? follow the steps in this video!

Note: Some games do not launch because they're broken.

Thanks to Nosamu for the steps shown in the video!

I want to curate games, How can I do ıt?

The process is fairly simple, unless you run into problems which require some coding skills! Watch the basic curation tutorial video on the left.

I ran ınto more complıcated problems!/I want to share a curated game!

You can either join our Discord server or you can contact us on our E-Mail at

How do ı know ıf a game ıs broken?

You can check the games page or look under the game on other game pages. Some broken games won't open!

moddıng Sectıon

Want to start your own moddıng career? Here are the basıc tools to gıve you a headstart!


Director 11.5: It's the seed of the plant, used to open files like .dcr or .cst!

Movie Restorer Xtra: Most files in Director are protected and cannot be opened. Luckily, there's an extra made just for that!

Note: To put the extra in your Director, right-click the main Director file and click 'open file location'. Then, click a file named 'Configuration' and click the 'Xtras' file. Finally, place the movie restorer there (C:\Program Files (x86) > Adobe > Adobe Director 11 > Configuration > Xtras)

Shockwave 3D World Converter: Converts .w3d files into .obj files and rips other things from it.

Alias|Wavefront Maya 5.0, 3DS Max 2010: Use one of these to convert a .obj file into a .w3d!


Unity DevX and Unity Assets Bunde Extractor. One lets you mod models such as cars or tracks, and the other helps with textures.

sw3d: Converts .w3d files into Unity files.

How can ı mod burnın' rubber 5 hd?

You can learn to do this through Siri Haftir's amazing tutorial or by joining our LegacyShockwave Discord server!

Need help on moddıng shockwave games? joın the LegacyShockwave dıscord server!

Shockwave modding is complicated. Join our Discord for help!

About Sectıon

What Is our goal?

We want to provide a continuous link to Adobe Shockwave for the future, along with games that are made to run with this software.

You may ask "Why though?". Well, after Adobe Shockwave shut down on the 9th of April 2019, most games became impossible to run. Browsers are adapting to this change, leaving Shockwave unsupported. (Article that refers to this:







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