International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia

What is ICHREE? 

Established: The International Commission of Experts on Ethiopia (ICHREE) was created by Resolution A/HRC/RES/S-33/1 of the United Nations Human Rights Council on 21 December 2021. 

Mandate: The Human Rights Council mandated the ICHREE, inter alia: 

The ICHREE is further guided by the centrality of the cessation, non-recurrence, and prevention of violations and abuses.

Legal Framework:

The ICHREE will apply International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law and International Refugee Law. Applicable law will also include International Criminal Law, regional instruments, and Ethiopian domestic law.

Scope of Work:

Guiding Principles:

References and Documentations

Why is ICHREE important to Tigray and Ethiopia? 

The International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia (ICHREE) plays a critical role in addressing human rights abuses and ensuring accountability in Ethiopia. Here are several reasons why ICHREE is important:

1. Independent Investigation: ICHREE conducts impartial and independent investigations into alleged human rights violations. This impartiality ensures the credibility and reliability of the findings.

2. Accountability: By investigating and documenting human rights abuses, ICHREE holds individuals and groups accountable for their actions, promoting justice and deterring future violations.

3. Truth and Transparency: ICHREE helps uncover the truth about human rights violations, providing a clear picture of what occurred. This truth is crucial for understanding the full scope of abuses and developing effective solutions.

4. Evidence-Based Advocacy: The reports and findings of ICHREE serve as valuable evidence that advocates, NGOs, and the international community can use to raise awareness, lobby for change, and pressure relevant stakeholders to take appropriate action.

5. International Standards Adherence: ICHREE ensures that investigations and recommendations align with international human rights standards, promoting adherence to these standards by the concerned parties.

6. Prevention of Recurrence: By identifying root causes and patterns of human rights abuses, ICHREE helps develop preventive measures and policies to reduce the likelihood of similar violations in the future.

7. Victim-Centric Approach: ICHREE often engages with victims and survivors, giving them a platform to share their experiences and concerns. This approach ensures that the investigation is sensitive to the needs and perspectives of those affected.

8. Global Pressure and Collaboration: The existence and actions of ICHREE encourage international collaboration and pressure on the Ethiopian government to address human rights abuses. Collective action enhances the likelihood of a meaningful response and resolution.

9. Encourages International Dialogue: The commission fosters dialogue and engagement between different stakeholders, including the government, civil society, and the international community, promoting a collective effort toward improving human rights in Ethiopia.

How can you help? 

Let your voice be heard. 

We have prepared a simple way to connect with your representative, lawmakers, and Human Rights Council state members. In collaboration with Tigray Weekly, callitagenocide.com is now ready. 

Email Campaign - Open to all 

Petition Campaign - Only for USA Residents