About Legacy Tigray

Our mission is to raise awareness regarding the pressing humanitarian concerns that have affected Tigray for three years. These include the Tigray Genocide, famine, siege, conflict-related sexual violence, mass arrests, injustice, and human rights violations. 

Our vision is to fight injustice, advocate for peace, and amplify the voices of the people in Tigray.

Legacy Tigray is dedicated to shedding light on the Tigray Genocide and ongoing crises while engaging with international humanitarian organizations, human rights groups, and influential experts. Our collective goal is to raise awareness and seek justice and accountability for the atrocities committed against the people of Tigray.

Strategic Collaborations:

Over the years, we have strategically collaborated with diverse humanitarian organizations globally and within Tigray. By joining forces with esteemed human rights organizations and influential individuals, we aim to amplify our message and garner support for the cause. This collaborative approach has allowed us to address the multifaceted aspects of the crisis effectively.

The Intentional Focus on Tigray:

Our deliberate focus on Tigray stems from the understanding that the conflict is not a simple war or civil war, as often portrayed. Contrary to misleading narratives, the intent and tactics employed in the Tigray Genocide have been thoroughly discussed by human rights experts worldwide, with ample evidence supporting our cause. Despite the challenges of representing a region within a country facing extermination, we persist in our pursuit of justice and accountability.

Perseverance in the Face of Challenges:

While our mission may seem daunting, given the complexities of the Tigray conflict, we remain resolute in our commitment. The ongoing challenges only strengthen our resolve to advocate for the rights of the people of Tigray and ensure that the international community acknowledges and addresses the gravity of the situation.

Legacy Tigray 

Advocacy Group on the Humanitarian Crisis in Tigray

Est. 2021