
This is the end of this story, but this is not the end of my journey. I would say thank you to Ma'am Hazel F. Basto as my supervising instructor who patiently and kindly guided me during this teaching practice. Thank you for all the advice that is given to me which will encourage me to be a better person. Also, I would say thank you to all co-buddies and all my teaching partners that I cannot mention one by one, and also to all PSU parties involved who have helped me to participate in this teaching practice program.

After following this teaching practice, I realized that being a teacher is not only about teaching what we have. But in the teaching process, we have to do it with a sincere heart and of course, spread positive vibes to our students thus they are excited and satisfied with our learning. Ma'am Hazel always said that being a teacher requires us to keep smiling and encourage the students for exploring more so that the learning is not teacher-centered learning. From that, a teacher should be creative in finding ways to attract students' attention and enthusiasm.

Thank you for all of the things that PSU gives to me, I'll always remember this story ^^