Learning and Teaching Experiences

March 18, 2022 - Orientation

I had an orientation of the teaching practice with PSU on March 18th, 2022. We were meeting with the coordinator of PSU Dr. Rico A. Reyes who warmly greeted us and briefly explained the program that we will be running for two months. All Indonesian students who participated in this program were also gathered together, including students from Sriwijaya University and The Ganesha University of Education

March 18, 2022 - Meeting with Supervisor & Cooperating Teacher

On the same day, I met a supervising instructor who would guide me during this program. In addition, I was introduced to co-buddies who will help me during this teaching practice. I was also introduced to my teaching partners who will later become my partners during the teaching practice.

March 21, 2022 - Meet & Greet with LIS Faculty and Officials

A few days after the orientation, we had a meet and greet with the LIS Faculty and Officials. We were introduced to all of the PSU community where we were welcomed really well. We met with all of the chiefs of PSU which was a great honor for us. In addition, Sir Rico A. Reyes as the coordinator of PSU explained in detail what activities will be carried out during this teaching practice program. Of course, I got a lot of information about the program and it gave me an idea of ​​what I was going to do.

March 22, 2022 - About Lesson Plan

At this meeting, we met again with our supervisor, Ma'am Hazel, and students from PSU who teach grades 4, 5, and 6. We were explained about the lesson plan template used by Filipino teachers. Ma'am Hazel explained in detail what parts should be included in the lesson plan. In addition to reviewing the lesson plan, we were also explained about the schedule of the demo teaching that we would do.

March 22, 2022 - Observation

On the same day, we conducted an observation class which at that time was a demo teaching by Teacher Divine Love U. Espinoza. Teacher Divine taught grade 4 with Collective Nouns material. After joining the teaching activity from the beginning until the end and doing observations, I got a little idea of ​​how I should manage the class and interact with students. I found that most students took an active role in the class because Teacher Divine manages the class really well. The enthusiasm of the students made me impatient to teach them soon.

April 18, 2022 - Teaching Interns MID-Conference

This conference was intended to handle the issues, problems, and challenges that teaching interns experience in the new normal system of education. Suggestions and motivational messages were offered to the teaching interns at the conference to encourage us to pursue our aim of becoming full-fledged professional teachers despite the challenges we faced.

It was an honor for me to attend this conference because this conference was attended by PSU officials, were the Campus Executive Director Dr. Liza L. Quimson; Teaching Internship coordinators Dr. Rico A. Reyes, and Ms. Kimberly B. Inaldo; the Dean of the College of Teacher Education Dr. Luzviminda Q. Ramos; the chairperson of the Professional Education Department Dr. Amado C. Ramos, Assoc. Prof. Perla G. Delos Santos, and the teaching interns led by Mr. Marvin A. Malicdem, the president of the Teaching Internship Organization.

April 21, 2022 - First Teaching (English 5 Adjectives and Kinds)

This was the first demo teaching that I did with teacher Jason D. Puli as my partner. So here I was doing team teaching with Teacher Jason by teaching Adjectives and Kinds material to 5th-grade students. Of course, I was very nervous because this was my first time doing demo teaching in this program. But I'm sure I can do well because I've prepared and tried to do my best. In this team teaching, Teacher Jason took part in preliminary activities until the development of the lesson. Meanwhile, I continue the development of the lesson until the last part which is giving an assignment.

Before doing this demo teaching, Teacher Jason and I did a rehearsal first so that our demo teaching was going well. And as we expected, demo teaching went smoothly and students actively participated in the learning that we had given. After completing the lesson, Ma'am Hazel as the supervisor gave an observation on our demo teaching. Ma'am hazel gave comments and suggestions such as, we have to greet students if they join the class at the beginning of time before class starts, check the student who doesn't open the camera, don't ask students yes/ no questions during the reviewing part as anticipation if students forget the previous material, encourage the students to answer the questions by giving more clue for them if they don't know the answer, and don't forget to correct student's miss pronounce.

May 4, 2022 - Second Teaching (English 6 Adverbs of Manner)

This was the second demo teaching that I did with Teacher Khristine Kaye M. Vallo. Here we taught Adverbs of Manner material for grade 6. During the lesson, I was not as nervous as in my first demo teaching. Unlike the previous demo teaching, my part was a little bit different. If previously I did not take part in motivation/ presentation, in this demo teaching I took a part in motivation until generalization, and Teacher Kristine took the last part (evaluation).

In the motivation section, actually, I was a little worried if students were not enthusiastic about the activities that I gave. But beyond the expectations, students were happy with the activities that we did. In this part, they have to choose an emoji and sing a song according to the emoji expression they choose. Then in the development of the Lesson, I explained the material about what are adverbs of manner, how we use adverbs of manner, explained the rules of forming adverbs of manner from adjectives, and gave an example of using adverbs of manner in a sentence.

In this demo teaching, unfortunately, I had a connection problem that didn't allow me to open my camera in the middle of the lesson and I got out of zoom one time. However, the lesson was going well although it wasn't stunning enough due to connection problems.

May 10, 2022 - Third Teaching (English 4 Object Pronouns)

This demo teaching was my grand demo teaching accompanied by Teacher Kaila A. Ferrer as my teaching partner. Unlike my first and second demo teaching, in this demo teaching, I have to handle the class from the beginning until the end of the lesson and Teacher Kaila will only help me to share the screen and do the recorded class. Of course, I was worried about this grand demo, because this grand demo was my final demo teaching and I need to exert more effort for this demo to prove that I was capable of being a teacher. Before demo teaching, I did a rehearsal with teacher Kaila who serve as my student so that we can do the demo teaching well.

In preliminary activities, as usual the class did prayer, greetings, energizer, checking of attendance, and recalling classroom rules. Next, we're going to review the previous material, which was about the element of the story. Then, in the motivation part, we played the game "Complete me" using the baamboozle website. In this game, the team was divided into two, they were team girls and team boys, and they have to complete the incomplete sentences.

Next, in the presentation and development of the Lesson, I explained material about object pronouns including the definition of object pronouns, when we use object pronouns, and the example of object pronouns used in a sentence. Then in generalization, the class recap the material that has been studied, and finally in the evaluation section, students were asked to answer multiple-choice questions according to the time allotted. The learning was going to my expectations and the students were enthusiastic about the lesson that I gave.