Information for all

General information & guidance around coronavirus

During this time, guidance and recommendations are changing frequently and it can be difficult to keep up-to-date with the latest information and guidelines. Here you will find links and resources with the most current guidance from the NHS, Government and other helpful professional bodies.

Guidance from the Government and NHS

Find the latest updates and guidance from the government and NHS below.

UK Government: General UK updates on COVID-19.

Find all the latest information and advice from the government here.

UK Government: the roadmap out of lockdown

Find out what the plans are for reducing restrictions related to COVID-19 here.

The Down's Syndrome Association have created a coronavirus page on their website, which you can access by clicking here.

It has a range of helpful information, including the latest news, essential information, fun things to do and advice on adult support and social care.

NHS: essential advice and information

Find essential advice and information from the NHS including symptoms and protecting those at higher risk.

NHS advice in multiple languages

Find essential advice from the NHS and other national guidance translated into 44 languages including Arabic, Bengali, Turkish.

NHS: When to take someone to hospital

Find stepped advice from the NHS about when to go to the GP or call 111, when to call 999 and when to go to hospital.

Legal changes, policy changes and issues

Keep up to date with policies that might affect you.

Learning Disability Today: summary of changes

Find a round up of current changes to policies and legalities that affect those with a learning disability during the pandemic.

UK Government: Ethical Framework for Adult Social Care

Find information and latest updates here and the April Action Plan here.

UK Government: Supported / residential living

Find guidance for supported home care as well as guidance for supported living provision.

UK Government: Stay at home & isolation guidance

Find information and guidance for isolating when someone in the household has COVID-19 or when there is possible infection.

NHSX (digital transformation) & COVID-19

Find information and governance advice for health and care professionals from NHSX.

British Association of Social Workers (BASW)

Find updates and COVID-19 information from the British Association of Social Workers.

UK Government: Employment advice & support

Find support for employees, benefit claimants and businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Changes to the Care Act (2014)

The Down's Syndrome Association website gives updates to the Care Act (2014) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

SEND family updates

The Special Needs Jungle website provides information and guidance for SEND families.

COVID-19 & Mental Health

The Rethink website has updates on changes to mental health legislation and policies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Daily Update Videos from NWTDT

NWTDT's YouTube channel have started posting regular video updates on COVID-19 guidance and lockdown rule changes. Some of the videos are about specific areas in the UK, and other videos are about the whole country.
Click here to access the YouTube channel and watch the videos.

Right 2 Visit:
Visiting and COVID-19

The Right2Visit website is for families or close friends having problems visiting a loved one who is autistic and/or has learning disabilities. Visits are being limited or stopped because of COVID-19 and this website has lots of information on your rights and how visits can continue safely during COVID-19.