
Level 2

Basic Punctuation
I use capital (sentence beginnings/proper nouns), full stops, exclamation marks, question marks with confidence.

I know how to use speech marks, commas and apostrophes with independence.

Level 3

Basic Punctuation
I use capitals for sentence beginnings and proper nouns all of the time.

I can use speech marks with confidence.

Complex Punctuation
I can use apostrophes to show:

-ownership: The boy’s coat

-plurals ending in ‘s’: The boys’ coat

I can use commas in lists and complex sentences.

Level 4

Basic Punctuation
I use all basic punctuation independently.

Complex Punctuation
I attempt more complex punctuation (e.g. semicolons, colons, parentheses).

I can use and understand why a comma is needed in a list and complex sentences (subordinate clause and main clause of a sentence).