Know Numbers & Groupings

Level 1 - Stage 4

Advanced Counting

To know number of 10's in decades.

To know groupings within 20.


Interactive Games

Level 2 - Stage 5

Early Additive Part-Whole

To know groupings of 10’s in a 3 digit number.

To know groupings to 100.


Interactive Games

Level 3 - Stage 6

Advanced Additive

To know groupings of 10’s and 100’s in a 4 digit number.

To know groupings within 1000.

To know groups of 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s in numbers to 100 and any remainders.


Interactive Games

Level 4 - Stage 7

Advanced Multiplicative Part-Whole

To know groupings of 10’s, 100’s & 1000’s in 7 digit numbers.


Level 4 - Stage 8

Advanced Proportional Part-Whole

To know how many 1/10’s, 1/100’s, & 1/1000’s are in numbers to 3 decimal places.

To know what happens when any number is multiplied or divided by a power of ten.
