
Maths is Fun website is a great resource to understand definitions of mathematics terms with examples.

See the video for an introduction into Statistics.

Level 2 - Stage 5

  • Ask a question for data collection
  • Create a survey to carry out a simple investigation
  • Make a pictograph
  • Create a bar graph
  • Make a tally chart

  • Talk about the graphs and make sensible comparisons
  • Read graphs and answer questions about the data
  • Ask questions about the data
  • Analyse the raw data and generate questions
  • Analyse different graphs

  • Say the possible outcomes for an event
  • Certain
  • Likely
  • Possible
  • Unlikely
  • Impossible
  • Know that the more times you perform an event the closer you get to the predicted probability
  • Say the possible outcomes for an event
  • Find possibilities of simple events using equipment

Level 3 - Stage 6

  • Pose a question for statistical investigation
  • Plan an investigation and collect data
  • Plan out a process for collecting, analysing, and displaying data
  • Carry out a survey and record results clearly
  • Display data with an appropriate graph
  • Stem and leaf
  • Dot plot
  • Bar
  • Pie
  • Line

  • Interpret results and:
  • Communicate my conclusions
  • Make the best choice from the data displays I have available
  • Make predictions about why the patterns and trends occur

  • Talk about special features of a graph
  • Proportions within the total
  • Grouping of scores
  • Extreme/unusual scores
  • Spread/Range
  • Make sensible statements about data and generate new questions
  • Analyse the raw data and generate questions
  • Evaluate and choose the best graph for the situation
  • Analyse different graphs

  • Predict the likelihood of events using words/numbers
  • Find the chances of a simple practical event by carrying out a trial and recording the results in a systematic way (tree diagram, table)