Donate to LEAPS

Please donate to LEAPS to support our collective work

Because of COVID-19 restrictions, LEAPS has not been able to hold regular meetings and other public events for the past 16 months. At these events we "pass the hat" and take up a collection for LEAPS.

In accordance with the Groups Policy adopted by the Penn South Board of Directors, LEAPS is no longer permitted to have a separate treasury and bank account. In light of that requirement, LEAPS decided to change it's Bylaws. We no longer have members with annual dues. Rather we are a "participant" organization. In January 2019, before the start of the pandemic, LEAPS voted that we would not turn over members' names to the office or the Board. By changing our from from membership to participants, we avoided that requirement.

So, all funds collected by LEAPS are now turned over to the office, which holds these funds until LEAPS requests reimbursement for expenses incurred.

However, printing of leaflets and flyers such as the one that urged "no" to the erection of private market-rate apartments on Penn South property and other LEAPS activities cost money.

You can help by making a contribution to LEAPS using PayPal. We urge you to do so.

Thank you.