
Short Title


Introduce the Lab.  Tell the reader about the question(s) being investigated.  Give the reader a reason to review your Lab. 


Include a summary of the background information provided from the Lab Instructions Document.  Do not cut and paste!


Summarize the reason the investigation was conducted.  What question(s) is being asked and (hopefully) answered?


What scientific principles are being investigated, utilized or applied?  Include any chemical or mathematical equations related to the investigation here.  Consider adding photographs/videos to enhance this section of your report.)

Pre-Lab Questions

Answer any specific pre-lab questions given to you by your instructor (include the questions with the answers).  Use complete sentences.  You can insert an image of worked out problems from your written Lab Notebook.  Make sure the image is clear and the writing is legible. 


List the chemicals and lab equipment used in the investigation.  Consider adding photographs to enhance this section of your report.


Please summarize Chemical Safety Hazards and Disposal.  You need to research these at the following website: Chemical SDS.  Enter Chemical names and search. Then look under Manufacturer for Science Lab and select.  Then scroll down to click on View SDS.  Then, summarize the following sections:  


For inquiry-based labs, this is a numbered, step-by-step account of the investigative approach your group developed.

For non-inquiry labs, it is a short summary of the approach that your group followed, noting any changes that were made to the prescribed procedure given to you. Consider adding photographs/videos to enhance this section of your report.