Profile of a graduate
Our story
In June 2016, Louisa County Public Schools began to explore two questions: What are the skills necessary for success for all students to become positive and contributing global citizens? What does the Profile of a Graduate look like for our students?
For Louisa County Public Schools, the Profile of a Graduate looks beyond the recall of facts, memorization, and high-stakes testing. It equips students and staff with the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively, to think critically, to collaborate, to be creative, and to become positive and contributing global citizens.
How we live out The 5 Cs
LCPS students will be effective communicators by:
Using precise oral and written language to share and gain ideas, knowledge, and processes
Using appropriate listening strategies when engaging with others
Employing the appropriate use of technology to explore and exchange ideas
LCPS students will be effective collaborators by:
LCPS students will be creative by:
Expressing curiosity
Using information in novel and purposeful ways
Using prior knowledge and resources to invent and innovate
Thinking without boundaries
LCPS students will be critical thinkers by:
Identifying the relevance and importance of information
Understanding the logical connections between ideas
Identifying, constructing, and evaluating arguments
Solving problems systematically
LCPS students will be global citizens by:
Acknowledging and respecting diversity
Participating in and contributing positively to one’s own community
Living a healthy lifestyle
Preserving resources
Following the rules and laws
Being accountable for one’s own actions