LIBROS (LIBrary Reference Online Service)

Online reference service that provides answers to online reference questions.

Library Orientation

An Orientation Program is given to all freshmen students and transferees every start of the school year in coordination with the concerned authorities of LCC. Students are welcomed and introduced to the LRC staff, resources, the different sections and services, rules and regulations, borrowing procedures, loan policy, how and where to locate the information.

Readers Services

Also known as Reference Service wherein all users are personally attended by guiding and instructing them on the proper use of library materials, use of bibliographic tools (printed card catalog, OPAC and periodical index), and facilities. 

Technical Services

 After the Selection and acquisition process, materials are organized for quick access to information. Prior to its circulation, the technical staff analyzes the contents of the books and assigns the call number. The process is called Cataloging and Classification, the clerks provide printed card catalog for books and printed index to periodicals. They are in-charge of encoding the information to the computer for the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). Other tasks include printing LRC reports, statistics, new acquisitions list, processing of library cards and other documents related to LRC’s daily activities.

Bibliographical and Indexing Services

Special aids aimed at locating the materials quickly such as the card catalog (printed and computerized) and index to periodicals and vertical files are always updated.

Internet Services

  Online information can be accessed and retrieved by surfing the Internet. Internet users are advised that this is basically for research purposes only. There is a time limit of 1 hour per user only, depending on the demand.

Audio-Visual Services

To supplement the printed collection, the LRC provides AV materials. These materials can be previewed at the Internet Section upon the proper coordination with the staff assigned at the section.