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I Didn't Want To Write This [HORROR]

I didn't want to write this. You should not read it...

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Ordnance [SF]

- Then, from a mesh of non-existence, from within a cloud he had inexplicably ignored, emerged his desire. And First’s life changed. -

When our weapons are given artificial intelligence, what do they think about? How do we persuade them to find their targets?

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Chairman [sf]

- "A million mourners surround the pyre, watching the man who couldn’t die slowly turn to ash. Some breathe deeply of the thick smoke, imagining they may take into themselves some wisp of the Chairman, as he took into himself the essence of so many willing Acolytes.” -

Humanity's saviour has come and he has gone, slipping into legend. But the time has come for his legacy to be rediscovered.

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Six Insidious Notes [sf]

- "Our ancestors constructed the Pristine Lineage in order that some part of Humanity might be saved to establish a new colony in a safer corner of the Galaxy.” He grimaces as if at some internal dilemma. “What is the point of it all if what eventually reaches our destination is no longer human?” -

Aboard the Pristine Lineage the last of mankind searches for a new home. Homogeneity is practically a religion, governing all that may be done and defending us against any evolution of our minds, bodies or society. But can the Assessors of Homogeneity Compliance compete with the almost viral impact of music?

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© L.B.Speller 2017