Match Play


Match Play 2017

Match Play Rules

All players will play at their current monthly index. You can find the current index at the course if they have a touch screen computer, on the Internet at or handicap verification 1-888-724-2202.

This year’s Matches will have a deadline for each round of play.

If a course cannot be decided upon, use Recreation Park from the Blues as the home course.


It has been determined by the SCGA that using the USGA tiebreaker for stroke play or any other tiebreaker is not the best way to complete match play. We have some suggestions for determining a winner:

    • Keep playing until a winner is declared, if time permits.
    • Play an entire 18 holes again, if time permits.
    • Ask someone else, not in your group, to pick a hole and then use that hole, and all holes in sequence, until a winner is declared. Handicap holes shall fall in place as they come up.
    • Putt off, chip off, whatever you decide.

***Make the decision and stick to it***

All scorecards shall be sent to me. Why? In case of extreme delay due to replaying a tie or players not scoring correctly I want to see the results. I will declare a winner based on the scorecard. IF YOU ARE CLOSE TO THE DEADLINE OR DON’T THINK YOU CAN FINISH BY THE DEADLINE, USE A TIEBREAKER!

Only players involved can call a penalty. Friends shall not call any penalty or team up on any player.

It’s the winners responsibility to call the handicap chairman and call the next player in line. KEEP IT MOVING. We want to be finished by the TSC or play the finals at the TSC.

Match Play Chairman will make the decision on all disputes.

Buy the Rules of Golf and read the rules of Match Play.

The club will make every effort to match players in monthly tournaments if requested, no gimmees in tournament play.