Preparing Dormant Lawns for Summer With Lawn Treatment Services

What Lawn Care Services Are Needed in Winter to Have a Beautiful Lawn in Summer?

Apex, United States - January 23, 2023 /Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex/

Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex provides the lawn care services Cary homeowners need to have a beautiful green lawn in June. Dormant lawns are not dead; the brown, sometimes patchy lawns are simply inactive. However, a warm, wet period in January can cause the grass to spring up to the point that the lawn may need trimming. If new growth should emerge during a moist period of warmer weather, the lawn may need some attention to maintain or enhance its aesthetic appeal. When cutting a dormant yard, the homeowner should be careful to avoid scalping portions of the lawn. Keep the blade height of the lawn mower or push mower to about 2.5 inches. If possible, wait until the wet soil gives up some of its moisture before using a heavy lawn mower to even up the lawn.

Homeowners who have accidentally driven over their yards know that tire tracks are an eyesore. Tires spinning in wet soil leave deep ruts and damage the grass and its roots. The ruts may need to be filled in with dirt to prevent wash and even out the yard's undulations. Unfortunately, this tactic is unsightly and may cause issues with the lawn in the spring. If possible, mow the yard with a push mower to prevent or reduce surface damage to the lawn. A dormant lawn is under stress from the elements, and heavy equipment compacting the wet soil compounds the problem. If the weather does not offer a reprieve from the winter moisture, the best and safest course of action is for the homeowner to be patient and stay off the lawn. The spring and early summer payoff are worth the wait and the temporary inconvenience of an unsightly yard.

Many Cary, NC, homeowners utilize the winter months, especially January and February, to carry out light to heavy construction projects on the home or landscape. January is a popular month to begin these projects because tax refund projections have been calculated. Keep heavy equipment and vehicles off the lawn during the January dormancy as much as possible. Set up a staging area where equipment and tracking will be minimized. Consider creating a separate ingress/egress to the property so vehicles and heavy equipment can reduce their impact on the lawn. Some HOA guidelines may prohibit the establishment of a secondary ingress/egress.

Regrettably, construction projects or tree removal projects in the front yard are not always avoidable. In reality, the damage left by the undertaking may ultimately be so severe that the homeowner has to start from scratch and recreate or rebuild the soft, smooth green lawn that was so attractive last summer.

If a massive overhaul is needed to recreate last year’s beautiful yard, reach out to the lawn care professionals at Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex to remediate the situation. Bring them in at the earliest possible stage to consult on lawn repair and restoration. A landscape architect and grader may be needed to remove the ruts and ditches and heal the lawn.

A lawn is much more than a level yard or a contoured and carefully shaped imitation of a golf course. The lawn is a delicate ecosystem that must be treated with a strong dose of TLC if the homeowner is to enjoy a well-manicured yard. Amendments, nutrients, and specially formulated fertilizers are necessary to prepare the lawn for spring and summer, which bring longer days, warmer temperatures, and moist weather.

The following four factors are essential for the dormant January yard to become a healed, well-nourished, and beautiful June lawn:

Start the New Year on the right foot with a customized, comprehensive lawn care services plan from Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex. Services include:

For more information about expert lawn treatment services to prepare the lawn for spring and summer, contact the Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex by calling (919) 362-1808. The company serves local areas, including Cary, Apex, Durham, Chapel Hill, Pittsboro, New Hill, Sanford, and Siler City. 

Contact Information:

Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex

3040 Sainsbury Way

Apex, NC 27502

United States

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