Tips For Summer Lawn Care: Lawn Care Services

Summer's here, and it's time to think about your lawn care. With the right tips, you can keep your lawn lush and green all season. But what if you don't have the time or energy to keep up with lawn maintenance? Don't worry; that's where professional lawn care services come in. In this article by Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex, the professional lawn care services company, we'll look at some tips for summer lawn care and how hiring a professional service can help.

First, knowing exactly what kind of grass you have in your yard is essential. Different types of grass require different amounts of water and fertilizer, so knowing which type you have is necessary for proper maintenance. Regularly mowing your grass is vital to keeping your lawn healthy during summer. Make sure to follow the recommended height for your specific type of grass, as mowing too low can cause damage.

Finally, fertilizing is another essential part of keeping a healthy summer lawn. Fertilizer helps promote growth and strengthen grassroots against disease and drought conditions. However, incorrectly fertilizing can lead to problems like burning and weed growth, which is why enlisting the help of a professional lawn care service may be beneficial. Professional lawn care services such as Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex use detailed knowledge about local climates, soils, and vegetation to create tailored plans for optimal summertime maintenance to keep your yard beautiful throughout the season.

Essential Tools and Supplies

Having a healthy lawn requires the right tools and supplies. Investing in quality items you can use for years is essential. To get started, Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex talks about the basics you'll need:

A lawn mower is the most important tool for keeping your grass looking beautiful. Choose one with adjustable blade height so you can cut at different levels. You should also ensure it has a bag or mulching feature for collecting clippings. Also, consider purchasing a dethatcher if your lawn has dense thatch layers.

To keep your grass lush and green, it's important to fertilize regularly. Look for a fertilizer specifically designed for your type of grass. It should be easy to spread with a broadcast spreader and provide slow-release nutrients. Weed control products may also be necessary depending on how much weed growth you have in your yard. You'll want to choose one that targets specific weeds without causing damage to your lawn or other plants nearby.

Finally, remember irrigation! Suppose you're not using an automated system. In that case, having the right tools like hoses, sprinklers, and timers is important so you can water adequately and efficiently throughout the summer months. Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex, your reliable lawn care services provider, will be able to provide the required assistance and clarifications for all your lawn care needs. 

Lawn Maintenance Schedule

The Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex knows that maintaining a healthy lawn during the summer months requires regular care. A well-planned lawn maintenance schedule can help ensure your lawn looks beautiful and lush all season.

The first step in creating an effective lawn maintenance schedule is determining which type of grass is on your property and how much sun it receives. This will help you decide when to water, fertilize, and mow. Watering your grass deeply but infrequently is essential so as not to drown it. And remember never to cut more than one-third of the blade length when mowing.

Fertilizing is integral to lawn care services and crucial for a healthy summer lawn. Choose a fertilizer that matches the type of grass on your property and apply it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Additionally, be sure to aerate in early spring or late fall and overseed when necessary to keep your grass thick and healthy. Finally, don't forget to edge along walkways and driveways for a neat look.

By following these guidelines from Lawn Doctor, your trusted partner in lawn care services in Cary, NC, you'll have a gorgeous yard throughout the summer months that everyone can enjoy!

Mowing Tips

When mowing your lawn in the summer, there are some essential tips to keep in mind. These key pointers help to achieve healthy and vibrant outdoor spaces with Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex's expert lawn care services:

Mowing frequency is also crucial for healthy summer lawns. Depending on the type of grass you have, most experts recommend cutting at most one-third of the blade's length at a time. This helps to promote strong root growth and prevents scalping or over-cutting of the grass blades. Additionally, leaving clippings on your garden beds will provide extra nutrients for your soil when they decompose over time.

The last tip is to adjust your mower's height based on different weather conditions throughout the summer months. During hot weather, raising the height can help reduce water evaporation from the soil and protect against heat stress on the grass blades. Conversely, lower the height slightly during cooler weather, as this can help promote healthier leaf growth and denser turf coverage. Feel free to contact Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex for more such lawn care services tips. 

Grass Seed Varieties

One of the most critical steps regarding summer lawn care is selecting the right grass seed for your lawn needs. Various grass seed varieties are available; choosing the best one for your lawn can be tricky.

Cool-season grasses include Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall fescue. These grasses thrive during cooler temperatures and must be planted in fall or early spring when temperatures are below 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Cool-season grasses require more watering than warm-season ones but also tend to remain greener throughout winter.

Warm-season grasses include Bermuda grass, St. Augustine grass, Zoysia grass, and Centipede grass. These grasses thrive during warmer temperatures and must be planted in late spring or early summer when temperatures exceed 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Warm-season grasses require less water than cool ones but go dormant during the colder winter months.

To get the best results from your summer lawn care efforts, it's important to select the right type of seed for your region's climate and consider other factors such as soil type and mowing frequency. Choosing an appropriate variety will help ensure that you have a lush and healthy lawn all year! Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex's expert lawn care services will help you achieve these outstanding results and maintain a lush and healthy lawn throughout the year.

Fertilization Techniques

Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex, your trusted provider of lawn care services near Chatham County Schools, understands the importance of proper fertilization for a healthy and lush lawn. Now that you have selected the ideal grass seed, let us share some expert tips on effectively fertilizing your lawn during summer.

First, using the corrrect type of fertilizer for the season is essential. Generally, slow-release or organic fertilizer is best for summertime because it will provide nutrients gradually over a longer period without burning your grass. You should also be mindful of application frequency; too much fertilizer can cause damage to your lawn, so stick with following the directions on the packaging.

Second, timing is key when it comes to applying fertilizer. In the spring and early summer months, you should look into using nitrogen-rich fertilizers, as this will help stimulate growth and give your grass an extra energy boost. Late summer and early fall are great times to apply potassium-based fertilizers since these provide more robust root systems and disease resistance throughout winter.

Finally, be sure to water your lawn after applying any fertilizer; this will ensure that all those vital nutrients get down into the soil, where they can do their job! With proper fertilization techniques, you'll have a beautiful green lawn all summer! If all these tasks seem overwhelming to you, get in touch with the Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex. The lawn care services experts will sort out all your lawn care problems, freeing up your time! 

Weed Control Strategies

Weeds can be a real nuisance in the summer months, but there are some strategies to help reduce their growth. The first step is to ensure your lawn gets enough water regularly. This will help the grass grow more vigorously and choke out any weeds trying to gain a foothold. Additionally, you'll want to apply an organic herbicide or weed killer specifically designed for turfgrass use. It's also important to mow regularly and at the right height so that weeds don't get a chance to spread their seeds and start growing in your yard.

Next, it's important to identify the types of weeds you're dealing with. Knowing what kind of weed you're dealing with will help you determine the best way to tackle it. For example, if you have crabgrass, you may want to use a pre-emergent herbicide that prevents them from taking hold in your lawn before they sprout. On the other hand, if you have dandelions or other broadleaf weeds, post-emergent herbicides are typically more effective since they attack these types of weeds after they've already begun growing.

Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex, the leading provider of professional lawn care services, emphasizes the significance of year-round weed control. Our experts recommend removing dead or dying plant material and ensuring proper soil aeration to prevent weed growth. By adopting these strategies, you can greatly reduce the presence of weeds in your yard this summer. Trust us to help you achieve a weed-free and beautiful lawn. Contact the professionals for effective and long-lasting lawn care services. 

Aeration Practices

After implementing a comprehensive weed control strategy, it's time to move on to the next important step in lawn care services - aeration practices. Aeration helps improve the structure of the soil and is key in keeping your lawn healthy during the summer months. It can be done by mechanically piercing the ground with an aerator or manually pushing a garden fork several inches into the ground. Both processes help to reduce compaction and allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate deeper into the soil.

If you decide to go with mechanical aeration, it's important that you only use a machine that has tines close enough together so that they penetrate at least two to three inches deep into the soil. Doing this will ensure you create small craters in your lawn without damaging any underlying roots or other structures below the surface.

In addition to improving soil structure, aeration can help reduce thatch buildup in your turfgrass. Thatch is a layer of organic matter which accumulates over time. When it gets too thick, it prevents water from getting down deep enough that it needs to be absorbed by the roots of your grass. Aerating will break up this layer and allow for better absorption of both water and nutrients throughout your lawn.

Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex recommends that aeration be done once every one to two years, depending on how much traffic your lawn gets and how well it responds after aeration treatments. If you're unsure whether you should aerate, consider hiring Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex. These reliable, professional lawn care services can assess your outdoor space and determine whether aeration is necessary for maintaining healthy grass through summer.

Irrigation Systems

The right irrigation system is essential to having a healthy summer lawn. Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex recommends ensuring the sprinkler system is well-planned and designed to water the entire lawn properly is vital. There's no use investing in a fancy system if it doesn't cover every inch of grass. An efficient watering system will help ensure that your lawn gets enough water, but not too much, so you don't end up with water-logged patches. It's also essential to check for leaks or clogs that could cause water loss.

Installing an automatic sprinkler timer can save time and effort when watering your lawn. You can program the timer so that the sprinklers turn on at specific times throughout the day without you having to go outside and manually do it. This helps conserve water by ensuring that your lawn only gets watered as much as it needs, not more than necessary.

Another vital part of maintaining an irrigation system during summer is cleaning gutters and drains regularly. Clogged gutters or drains can lead to standing water on your lawn, which leads to unsightly puddles and can even cause fungal growth. Keeping these areas clear of debris will help ensure that rainwater has somewhere to go instead of pooling on your lawn and causing damage over time.

For optimal summer lawn care, ensure your lawn looks its best by installing a well-designed irrigation system. Regular maintenance checks and cleaning of gutters and drains are essential to keep everything working harmoniously. Trust our expert lawn care services - Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex - to help you achieve a seamless and vibrant lawn throughout the season.

Professional Lawn Care Services Overview

To take your lawn care to the next level, you may want to consider professional services by the Lawn Doctor of Cary-apex. These lawn care services can provide various benefits, from improved soil quality to overall lawn health. These services include fertilization, weed control, pest control, pruning, and more.

Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex is a professional lawn care service provider who uses advanced technologies and techniques to keep your lawn looking its best all season long. The team also knows the latest products and methods for keeping your grass green and healthy. With this expertise, the team can ensure your lawn gets the care it needs to thrive during the hot summer.

Regular maintenance is vital to keeping your lawn in top condition during summer. Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex has the tools and knowledge to perform routine maintenance tasks such as mowing, edging, aeration, overseeding, and dethatching. Investing in professional lawn care services will ensure you can enjoy a lush green oasis all season long.

Environmental Benefits

Maintaining your lawn during the summer months is essential not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its environmental benefits. Properly cared-for lawns help reduce soil erosion and improve water quality. They also provide habitats for beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife.

Lawns provide ground cover that reduces erosion by trapping sediment and debris from rainwater runoff. This helps reduce pollutants from entering local waterways. Additionally, healthy grassy areas prevent soil from drying out or becoming hard-packed due to foot traffic or other activities.

By cutting grass at the proper height, you can create a strong root system that can withstand drought conditions or heavy rains better. Longer grass blades also provide more shade to the roots and help keep the soil cooler - reducing water evaporation and helping conserve precious resources during the hot summer months.

Summer lawn care services from Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex can help ensure your property is environmentally friendly while providing an attractive outdoor space.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do lawn care services typically cost?

At Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex, we understand that the cost of lawn care services can vary depending on the required service and lawn size. Our prices for mowing and trimming a standard-sized lawn are catered to suit the budget of our customers, with some additional charges for tasks like edging, fertilizing, or aerating. Seasonal discounts may apply.

When considering the cost, remember to factor in supplies, equipment fees, and transportation charges. We are transparent about our fees and encourage you to consult with us beforehand to understand the costs. At Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex, we strive to deliver excellent value for your investment in reliable lawn care services.

How often should I water my lawn?

At Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex, the expert lawn care services provider, proper watering is essential for a healthy, green lawn. Determining the ideal watering frequency can ensure optimal grass growth and prevent potential issues.

As a general guideline, grass typically needs around 1 inch of water per week during the growing season, from early spring to late fall. This amount should be distributed over multiple watering days, such as two days per week or every other day.

However, various factors can influence the watering needs, including climate zone and grass type. If you reside in a hot and dry area or have grass that requires more water, adjusting the frequency or amount of watering may be necessary.

Remember, deep soaking is preferable to frequent shallow sprinklings. This encourages deeper root growth, enhancing the lawn's ability to withstand drought. Avoid overwatering as it can lead to issues like fungal growth. Understanding the optimal watering schedule for your lawn will promote year-round health and vibrancy.

For expert guidance on lawn watering and maintenance and lawn care services in general, trust Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex. We're dedicated to helping you achieve a lush and beautiful lawn.

How long does it take to see results from fertilization?

At Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex, the trusted lawn care services provider, we recognize the significance of fertilization in lawn care and its impact on turf health and appearance. The time it takes to observe results from fertilization depends on several factors, and understanding them is crucial for effective application.

The type of fertilizer used plays a role in the timeframe for visible results. Different fertilizers contain varying nutrients, some of which are absorbed by grassroots at different rates. Additionally, the amount of fertilizer applied affects the speed of noticeable improvement. Applying excessive amounts at once may delay absorption into the soil and hinder visible growth.

Consideration should also be given to other lawn care practices that influence absorption rates. Proper watering post-fertilization ensures even nutrient distribution throughout the soil, facilitating quicker plant uptake. Regular mowing stimulates root growth, enhancing nutrient access from the soil.

By carefully assessing these factors, you can strike a balance that suits your lawn's needs, leading to prompt and positive results from fertilization. Trust Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex to provide expert guidance and effective fertilization strategies and lawn care services for a thriving and beautiful lawn.

What should I do if my lawn has a lot of moss or bare patches?

When it comes to lawn care services, Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex understands common issues like moss and bare patches and can help improve your lawn's condition. To address moss, identify and resolve underlying issues such as shade or moisture. For bare patches, tackle drainage or soil compaction problems. Choose suitable treatments like moss killers or organic alternatives for moss, and consider overseeding for bare patches. Follow instructions carefully and water consistently for optimal results. If problems persist, consult our professional lawn care experts for personalized solutions tailored to your lawn's needs. Trust us to help you achieve a healthy and vibrant lawn.

What are the best grass varieties for my area's climate?

At Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex, we understand that selecting the right grass variety for your lawn is essential for a healthy and beautiful outdoor space. With our lawn care services, we can guide you through the process to ensure you choose the perfect grass for your specific climate and soil conditions.

When considering grass varieties, your area's climate is a crucial factor. Different grasses thrive in different climates, so selecting one that suits your region is essential. For example, cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass are ideal for areas with cold winters and warm summers. In contrast, warm-season grasses like Bermuda Grass are better suited for regions with hot summers and mild winters. Additionally, sunlight availability should be considered, as some grass species require more sun than others.

The type of soil in your area is another critical consideration. Different soils have varying nutrient requirements and pH levels. Clay soils hold water well, while sandy soils offer good drainage. Loam soils strike a balance between moisture retention and drainage. Assessing the soil's characteristics will help you choose a grass variety that can thrive in specific soil conditions.

Additionally, consider your maintenance preferences when selecting a grass type. Some varieties, such as Zoysia or Fescue, are low-maintenance and require less frequent mowing or aeration.

By considering the climate, soil conditions, and maintenance preferences, you can choose an ideal grass variety that will thrive year-round and enhance the beauty of your outdoor space. Rely on Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex for expert advice and exceptional lawn care services to help you achieve a lush and vibrant lawn.


The summer months can be tough on your lawn. However, with the right lawn care services and tips, you can keep your lawn looking lush and green all season long.

At Lawn-Doctor of Cary-Apex, we understand the importance of considering various factors for effective lawn care services. It's crucial to establish a budget and determine the frequency of watering that suits your lawn's needs. Fertilization is key to maintaining grass health, and selecting the right grass variety for your climate is essential.

If you're facing challenges like moss or bare patches, don't hesitate to contact our professional lawn care service. We have the expertise and tools to address complex issues and restore the beauty of your lawn.

You can achieve outstanding results by investing time and effort into lawn care during the summer months. We highly recommend researching grass varieties suitable for your climate and seeking assistance from a local lawn care service when needed. With dedication and expert support, your yard will flourish this summer—Trust Lawn-Doctor of Cary-Apex for top-notch lawn care services that will transform your outdoor space.