Learning Journey - HOW?

Guiding Question

HOW can I incorporate the Global Goals into my classroom or school in a student-friendly way? 

How to introduce the SDGs

There are abundant resources to get you started teaching about the Sustainable Development Goals. The World's Largest Lesson provides teacher guides, lessons, and activities for formal and non-formal educators to get you and your students started on their global citizenship journey.

Resources for Teaching the SDGs for the First Time

Three different approaches for three different schools

Sara Worsfold worked with her highly-diverse third graders  (including ELL & New American students) focusing on SDG #3: Good Health and Wellbeing.

Dr. Karen Lauritzen's fourth-grade class learned about the SDGs, which guided study and action projects that supported SDGs #6, Clean Water and Sanitation, and #13, Climate Action

Desyl Wood developed a week-long whole-school initiative celebrating sustainable local behaviors that help meet UNSDG global goals.