
    • Refinable resolution and precision for volumes mesh compression and simulation in geosciences

Bouard, L.,

supervised by Duval, L., Payan, F., Preux, C., and Antonini, M.thesis manuscript.
    • Etude comparative de l'impact d'un codage à précision variable sur des données de simulation en géosciences.

Bouard, L., Duval, L., Payan, F., Preux, C., and Antonini, M.

in: 2020 Coresa, Sophia-Antipolis (accepted)

Peyrot, J.-L., Duval, L., Payan, F., Bouard, L., Chizat, L., Schneider, S., and Antonini, M.

in: 2019 Comput. Geosci.

Bouard L., Duval, L., Preux C., Payan, F and Antonini, M.

in: 2019 EAGE, London

Flow simulation, on 3 resolutions of Lundi mesh, obtained via HexaShrink

Water Staturation color scale, daily iteration, (simulation times obtained by local execution).

in: 2019 EAGE, London

128x128x32; Run time: 72hours

64x64x16; Run time: 4hours

32x32x8; Run time: 20minutes

Lauriane Bouard and Margaux Raguenel

in: 2017 Ring Meeting, pages 1--10, ASGA

Dense particles assembly on geological model
Work perspective on adaptative mesh