Lauriane Bouard
Dr. engineer - Data processing - Compression - Visualization - Simulation
IFP Energies Nouvelles
i3S Lab. Sophia-Antipolis
PhD Project (2017-2021)
I finished a PhD at IFP Energies Nouvelles [IFPEN]; in collaboration with i3S Laboratory based in Sophia Antipolis.
The project aim is progressive compression of large evolutionary volumic meshes: geometry and properties.
This challenging work deals with structured volumic meshes used for CFD simulation.
This kind of mesh is used in many simulation sciences involving big data management: Geosciences, Wind Energy, MotorsModelisation.
Such post-processing would help the transfer, storage, and management of meshes, and could also be used to enhance the performance of current computational tools.
If you are interested in the subject, do not hesitate to contact me!
The supervising team is composed by:
Marc Antonini (i3S Lab., Thesis director)
Laurent Duval (IFPEN, supervisor)
Frederic Payan (i3s Lab., supervisor)
Research at IFPEnergies nouvelles in collaboration with I3S Lab., Sophia Antipolis, PhD Degree
Geological School of Nancy, Lorraine University, France [ENSG], Geological Engineer graduated
Ring Team, Lorraine University, France, Master Degree
Total Aberdeen (Geoscience center research), Scotland, Internship