Curriculum Vitae

Current academic position

Full Professor at the University Paris Nanterre (France), Department of Psychology

Co-Head of the Laboratory Cognitive Functioning and Dysfunctioning (DysCo).



Investigator of a Grant of the University Paris Lumière. Project TooN.


Co-Inverstigator (with Virginie Beaucousin) of a Grant of the French National Research Agency (ANR). Project: Alcom- ANR-13-JSH2-0001-01.


Major Partner in Advanced Grant of European Research Council (ERC) for Life Sciences (LS) carried on by Joëlle Proust (DR1, CNRS, ENS).

Project: Divinorm n°269616.


Partner in Grant of the French National Research Agency (ANR) carried on by Julie Grèzes (DR2, INSERM, ENS). Project: Selfreademo- ANR-11-EMCO-0009.

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Previous positions


Assistant professor (Maitre de Conférences - HDR) et the University of Paris 8 (Saint-Denis, France), Department of Psychology

Researcher at the laboratory of Neuropsychology and psychopathology (LPN), University of Paris 8.

Associated researcher at the laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience (LNC) Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, Paris).


Post-doctoral fellow, Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience, INSERM- U960, ENS, Paris. Supervisor: Julie Grèzes.


PhD at the Cognitive Neurosciences and Brain Imaging Lab. CNRS UPR 640 LENA, Hopital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris.


2014: "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches" (HDR -- ability to supervise research), Doctoral School of Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris.

2004-2008: PhD in Psychology at the University of Paris 8 (Saint-Denis, France). Obtained with highest honours. Dir: Nathalie George.

2003-2004: MA "Psychology of cognitive processes" at the University of Paris 8. Top of the year.

1999-2002: Bachelor's degree in Psychology, at the University of Paris 8.

1996-1998: Scientific Baccalaureat (A-Level equivalent). Lycée Jacques Decour, Paris.

Computer skills

Operating systems: Linux, Windows, MS-DOS, MacOS

Stats & programming: Matlab, Visual Basic, Statistica, SPSS

Brain science software: Biopac, ADInstrument, BrainStorm, EEGLAB, SPM, E-Prime