Welcome to Ms. Biffar's Kindergarten Classroom!
Phone: (845) 256-4350 (Duzine Office)
Voicemail: (845) 256-4000 ext. 69610
Email Address:
If you would like to talk by phone, please email us and we can set up a time.
Class Schedule and Specials
A-Day: P.E.
B-Day: Music
C-Day: P.E.
D-Day: Art
E-Day: P.E.
F-Day: Library
Dear Families,
Welcome to Kindergarten! Please use any resources on this website as you see fit. Currently, there is a hodge-podge of materials, many from the past couple of years of remote or hybrid learning, that I am leaving up in the event that anyone would like to use them at any point, if your child is home sick, or you're on vacation, or if you'd just like to check out some learning videos/materials, etc. (*It is orgarnized via the subject tabs up top.)
The best way to stay up to date on your child's learning is to check you email with weekly updates, and to check your child's home/school folder daily. :)
I am looking forward to a wonderful year!
Laura Biffar

"Duzine Misses You" Video! (From 2021, but a cute way to see teachers and staff faces at any time!)

If you find yourself needing assistance you can contact:
Project Resilience – Ulster County residents may apply online for food and other supports: covid19.ulstercountyny.gov/project-resilience/
Residentes del Condado de Ulster - Solicitud de asistencia alimentaria covid19.ulstercountyny.gov/project-resilience/
Food Pantries accessible by UCAT bus/Despensa de Alimentos por UCAT autobus
The New Paltz Community Foundation also has a voucher program whereby a family will receive a $20 or $50 voucher to one of 32 restaurants in New Paltz and Gardiner. If you want to find out more information, you can visit their website or Facebook page.
Check out our Resources tab for additional information