Current Research

Published Work 

Bonomi Bezzo, F., Silva, L., Laurence, J., & Schmid, K. (2023). Does personality matter? Exploring its moderating role on the relationship between neighbourhood ethnic outgroup-size and preferences for Brexit. European Societies, 1-34. 

Silva, L., Bonomi Bezzo, F., Laurence, J., Schmid, K. 2023. Effects of absolute levels of neighbourhood ethnic diversity vs. changes in neighbourhood diversity on prejudice: moderation by individual differences in personality. Social Science Research.

Silva, L. 2023. A utopian approach to social transformation: the role of urban social movements' fragmentation in Barcelona. Partecipazione e Conflitto. 

Silva, L., Bonomi Bezzo, F., and Van Ham, M. 2023. Covid-19 restrictions: an opportunity to highlight the effect of neighbourhood deprivation on individuals’ health-related behaviours. Social Science and Medicine.

Bonomi Bezzo, F., Silva, L., and Van Ham, M. 2021. The combined effect of Covid-19 and neighbourhood deprivation on two dimensions of subjective well-being: Empirical evidence from England. PloS one, 16(7)

Work in progress

Gendered contexts? The effect of neighbourhood socio-economic deprivation on girls’ and boys’ cognitive and non-cognitive development. (R&R

Mind the gap: The interplay between genes, neighbourhood context and educational outcomes (R&R, with Felix Tropf and Tobias Wolfram)

Back to rural areas? How the Covid-19 pandemic changed urban to rural dynamics in Italy (R&R, with Franco Bonomi Bezzo, Fabio Manfredini, Viviana Giavarini and Carmelo Di Rosa, Under Review)

Neighbourhood effects across generations and the reproduction of inequality (Under Review)

Organic vs. mechanic solidarity? Segregation patterns across occupation and ethnic background over 100 years in Dudelange (Under Review, with Antoine Paccoud, Franco Bonomi Bezzo and Sonia Schifano) 

Then and Now: How neighbourhood deprivation in youth influences attitudes towards inequality (with Franco Bonomi Bezzo and Anne-Marie Jeannet)

Living Powerless. The effect of intense load shedding on individuals and communities in the suburbs of Cape Town (with Franco Bonomi Bezzo)

Local Infrastructure and Income Dynamics in a Divided Society (with Franco Bonomi Bezzo)

Climate Extremes and Socio-Political Attitudes (with Giacomo Melli, Leo Azzollini and Franco Bonomi Bezzo)

Book reviews and media

Kasper, M., Abbas, S., Baker, A., Barve, S., Kourri, D., Mizes, J.C., Pollio, A., Silva, L., Wahby, N. (2024). Jon Silver: The Infrastructural South. TRIALOG Journal.  

Silva, L. (2023). The role of neighbourhood deprivation in shaping health inequalities. Policy Brief Chaire Ouvrir la science economique, Paris School of Economics and Hermes, p.1-4 

Bonomi Bezzo, F., Silva, L. (2021). Book Review: "John Boughton: Municipal Dreams: The Rise and Fall of Council Housing", Czech Sociological Review, vol. 57, n° 3, p. 404-407. 

Bonomi Bezzo, F., Silva, L. (2021). "Diseguaglianze spaziali e salute mentale, l'effetto moltiplicatore della pandemia". Eticaeconomia

Conferences and seminar presentations

Social Science Genetics Paris group - September 2020 

Internal OSC Doctoral Seminar - April 2021

ECSR Annual Conference - October 2021 (online)

Alp-Pop Annual Conference - March 2021, La Thuile

RC28 Annual Conference - April 2021, London

ECSR Annual Conference - July 2022, Amsterdam

Università di Bologna - January 2023 (online)

ARUA Climate Change and Inequalities Symposium - March 2023, Cape Town

Flow/Overflow/Shortage (FOS) Online Symposium - May 2023 (online)

ESA RN37 Summer School for Young Urban Scholars - September 2023, Genoa

Alp-Pop Conference (14-17 January 2024, La Thuile) 

Inequality and the Environment Symposium (18 January 2024, Sciences Po, Paris) 

Brown Bag Seminar, International Planning Studies (IPS), TU Dortmund (4 March 2024, Dortmund) 

Public Talk, German Institute of Development and Sustainability (15 March 2024) 

Urban and Rural Infrastructure in the Global South (5 April 2024, Paris School of Economics, Paris)

RC28 Conference (17-19 May  2024, Shanghai) 

AESOP Conference (8-12 July 2024, Paris)