I have been doing some competition research using Open Site Explorer and I am a bit confused about Internal Links vs. External links reports. Ratios are all over the place when I compare them with my top 4 competitors.

As far as internal verses outbound external versus inbound backlinks, there is no ratio. It does not apply. If you are talking about performance, who you link to is important, but there is no rule of thumb on how many. Just make sure you link to quality sites and pages. If you are talking about inbound backlinks, then it does not require too many high quality inbound backlinks to set your site on fire. Even a moderate number of links from moderate quality sites can really speed things up for you. It really does not take much.

Good Good Links 137

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There is no set ratio. It is good practice to have an internal link structure with keyword rich anchor text to emphasize the important pages, but having too many internal links can be confusing and give a poor user experience.

A more beneficial approach would be to have external links pointing to your sites deep inner pages, which will increase Page Authority of those pages and will ultimately increase the Domain Authority of the entire site

Link extractor - since I don't know a better name for it; a utility which can take a .htm file, and give me links from it, not counting and so, just direct links. Useful for files in which you have a number of html links which are in a text and so on ...

The Firefox Accessibility Extension can also display a list of links in a windows, but it's maybe an overkill, as it's doing tons of other features meant for people with disabilities.

Make sure "Use Regular Expressions" has a checkmark next to it. Then click Find. It will show you all the links grouped by the files they are in. You can also click on Extract which will pop up a window with all the links from all the files. Since you stated that you want the links I figured you want the whole

As far as whether it makes sense or not, that will partly depend on your business process(es). Linking Issues in Jira does not follow a strict parent/child relationship. you can specify links between multiple issues, and specify the link type between them as well. For example, you may choose to link a story to several tasks using a "relates to" link to indicate that the work across these different issue types is related. You could also link bugs to a story with a link type of "blocks" to indicate that the presence of the bugs is preventing/blocking the story from being worked on. These are just a few examples. More information about linking issues is available here.

Promote school attendance by using handouts, posters, or videos in your waiting area (see links to resources below), working with community partners (eg, during September Attendance Awareness Month campaigns: ), and communicating via your practice Web site or social media;

It's a verb phrase because it's a call to action; in your blog example it's also navigation, but it's not the same as labeling a link "click here to go to X". Users already know how links work and they want to know where the link goes or in this occasion what a link does.

Take a look at our FAQ, the "show more" links are more clearly calls to action and the act more like actions than navigation, but functionally they're similar to a blog's "read more" links, a blog could even use javascript to immediately show the whole blog post when clicking "read more" making it more clearly a call to action rather than navigation.

The following example from one of our eyetracking studies is typical of how people read on the web. The participant was asked a broad task: Find out about Genentech and what it does. In the first few moments on the Genentech Oncology page, the user scanned the first two paragraphs following an F-pattern, but then switched to looking primarily at the links. The links made it easy for the user to navigate to additional information about a topic, but also acted as headings for each paragraph, informing the user what each section is about.

In order for these links to make sense, users have to read the surrounding text to put the link into context. This process of finding the associated information requires more effort, both in terms of eye movements and mental processing.

The example below is from the Twitter.com FAQ page. Someone with poor vision could have the page read word for word or by links. The list below the screenshot shows what he would hear using a screen reader. The links that are understandable out of context, such as how to post a Tweet, are good. However vague or duplicate links (such as here) are useless in this situation; in order to understand them, the user has to revert to having the whole page read to him word for word.

Second, when users see the same link twice on the same page they assume that it goes to the same place. For this reason, if the second link refers to a different page make sure that the text is unique. Remembering this will also help you write more descriptive link labels and avoid generic links such as Read more, or Click here. (An additional reason to avoid Click here is that there are no clicks on touch-screen devices.)

The International Baccalaureate (www.ibo.org) homepage follows most of our link-writing guidelines; all links are unique and descriptive. All users, including those with screen readers, should be able to get a good overview of the topics on the page and figure out where to navigate next just by reading the links.

IB.org could have improved this design even more by making the section headings clickable, thereby removing the need for links below each section. They could also frontload the links and remove the introductory link text Read more..., Visit..., View more....

The American Diabetes Association (www.diabetes.org) is another good example. They have made the section headings clickable. The links on the Treatment & Care page, for example, function both as headings and navigation.

Google uses links as a signal when determining the relevancy of pages and to find new pages to crawl. Learn how to make your links crawlable so that Google can find other pages on your site via the links on your page, and how to improve your anchor text so that it's easier for people and Google to make sense of your content.

Generally, Google can only crawl your link if it's an HTML element (also known as anchor element) with an href attribute. Most links in other formats won't be parsed and extracted by Google's crawlers. Google can't reliably extract URLs from elements that don't have an href attribute or other tags that perform as links because of script events. Here are examples of links that Google can and can't parse:

Good anchor text is descriptive, reasonably concise, and relevant to the page that it's on and to the page it links to. It provides context for the link, and sets the expectation for your readers. The better your anchor text, the easier it is for people to navigate your site and for Google to understand what the page you're linking to is about.

Remember to give context to your links: the words before and after links matter, so pay attention to the sentence as a whole. Don't chain up links next to each other; it's harder for your readers to distinguish between links, and you lose surrounding text for each link.

You may usually think about linking in terms of pointing to external websites, but paying more attention to the anchor text used for internal links can help both people and Google make sense of your site more easily and find other pages on your site. Every page you care about should have a link from at least one other page on your site. Think about what other resources on your site could help your readers understand a given page on your site, and link to those pages in context.

Linking to other sites isn't something to be scared of; in fact, using external links can help establish trustworthiness (for example, citing your sources). Link out to external sites when it makes sense, and provide context to your readers about what they can expect.

If you were paid in some way for the link, qualify these links with sponsored or nofollow. If users can insert links on your site (for example, you have a forum section or Q&A site), add ugc or nofollow to these links too.

In the past, a website with the largest number of backlinks pointing back to their site, or even just a certain page on their site, would likely occupy the top position in the search engine results page for that keyword. This resulted in many websites building large numbers of low quality, non-relevant backlinks with the sole purpose of increasing the quantity of their backlinks.

Syndicated links can often appear in news articles; if the main FOX bureau runs a story, it might syndicate to every metro DMA. Alternatively, if a national tier publication runs a story, several smaller sites will run the same story hoping to achieve some of the same readership.

Writing a well-researched, authoritative blog post on an area of expertise will help your site rank more effectively on search engines and drive more organic traffic to your site, which increases the likelihood of backlinks.

As an agency specializing in content (content that builds links) we know that these content types are great fodder for journalists looking to add content of their own to the news cycle. Through targeted outreach and intentional creation, you can create a robust backlink profile that will boost your site in rankings.

There are a ton of tools out there that you can use to find and monitor backlinks, but here are some of our favorite free backlink checkers that our SEO and digital PR teams use to perform a link audit:

One link resource on your list is a poor move. Those Better Business Bureau accreditation links are EXPENSIVE, those BBB pages get no traffic, and they are all no-follow. They provide zero value in SEO terms.

Note: You can find a lot more about link implementation and best practices in our Creating hyperlinks article. You can also see some good and bad examples at good-links.html and bad-links.html. 589ccfa754

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