Sometimes wildlife can get sick with diseases that are dangerous (sometimes even deadly) to humans. Illnesses that humans can get from wildlife include rabies, plague, and Lyme disease. People can catch these diseases from the droppings of infected animals, by touching or feeding wildlife, or by getting bitten. Never touch wildlife, alive or dead, and be sure to tell a ranger if you see any wildlife acting strangely, like a bat flying in the daytime, for example.

Wildlife can be dangerous for your pets. Large animals like moose can trample anything underfoot, and some birds can even fly off with small pets in their talons. Pets look like prey to many wildlife, so they will act accordingly, giving chase and possibly killing your pet, even when on a leash.

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Meanwhile, young adults who engaged in riskier challenges primarily wanted to feel included in a group that had already participated in such a challenge. This was true for the cinnamon challenge, where participants rapidly consumed cinnamon and sometimes experienced lung damage and infection. For example, 38% of research participants who engaged in the cinnamon challenge acknowledged that they were seeking peer acceptance, rather than being directly encouraged to participate.

The Internet is much more anonymous than the real world. People can hide their identities or even pretend to be someone they're not. This can sometimes present a real danger to children and teens who are online. Online predators may try to lure kids and teens into sexual conversations or even face-to-face meetings. Predators will sometimes send obscene material or request that kids send pictures of themselves. Therefore, it's important to teach your kids to be on their guard whenever they're online.

Teens are generally more at risk from predators. Because they are curious and want to be accepted, they may talk to a predator willingly, even if they know it's dangerous. Sometimes teens may believe they are in love with someone online, making them more likely to agree to a face-to-face meeting.

Five geriatricians rated the articles, all of which were written by doctors, according to whether the articles were clearly targeted to the intended audience and whether they distinguished opinion from fact, the extent to which key issues were highlighted, and the safety and appropriateness of the advice provided. The safety of the columns was rated on the basis of whether advice, if taken by intended readers, posed no threat of morbidity (safe), had some potential for morbidity but not mortality (unsafe), or had potentially life threatening complications (dangerous).

Blizzards are dangerous winter storms that are a combination of blowing snow and wind resulting in very low visibilities. While heavy snowfalls and severe cold often accompany blizzards, they are not required. Sometimes strong winds pick up snow that has already fallen, creating a ground blizzard.

Harmful algae and cyanobacteria, sometimes called blue-green algae, can produce toxins (poisons) that can make people and animals sick and affect the environment. Learn more about them to keep you, your family, and your pets safe.

Blooms can occur in fresh water, salt water, and brackish (a mixture of fresh and salt) water around the world. Blooms sometimes look like foam, scum, mats, or paint on the surface of the water. They can even make the water appear different colors, including green, blue, red, or brown.

Also, the location of pain is sometimes misunderstood. With SMI, you may feel discomfort in the center of the chest and not a sharp pain on the left side of the chest, which many people associate with a heart attack. "People can even feel completely normal during an SMI and afterward, too, which further adds to the chance of missing the warning signs," says Dr. Plutzky.

SMI and regular heart attacks share the same risk factors: smoking, being overweight, lack of exercise, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and diabetes. They can be just as dangerous, too. "SMI often leaves scarring and damage to the heart, which, combined with the fact that many people who have an SMI don't seek immediate care, can further raise a person's risk of a second and potentially more harmful heart attack," says Dr. Plutzky. In fact, people who have an SMI and don't get treatment have a three times greater risk of dying from coronary artery disease. "A silent heart attack is a loud signal your body sends that you have some kind of underlying health issue that needs attention," says Dr. Plutzky.

There's a self-serving reason the unnamed promoters of these events are using abandoned and sometimes contaminated industrial properties, often deemed unfit for human occupancy - and the LAFD and LAPD want you to know why.

If you have a medical condition or disease, your doctor may prescribe a drug. Medicines can help us live longer and healthier. But taking them the wrong way or taking certain drugs together can be dangerous. Also, as you age, changes happen in the body that may cause many medicines to act differently in older people. Keep track of your medicines and use them safely.

Symptoms of PTSD usually begin within 3 months of the traumatic event, but they sometimes emerge later. To meet the criteria for PTSD, a person must have symptoms for longer than 1 month, and the symptoms must be severe enough to interfere with aspects of daily life, such as relationships or work. The symptoms also must be unrelated to medication, substance use, or other illness.

After a dangerous event, it is natural to have some symptoms. For example, some people may feel detached from the experience, as though they are observing things rather than experiencing them. A mental health professional who has experience helping people with PTSD, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or clinical social worker, can determine whether symptoms meet the criteria for PTSD.

Psychotherapy (sometimes called talk therapy) includes a variety of treatment techniques that mental health professionals use to help people identify and change troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Psychotherapy can provide support, education, and guidance to people with PTSD and their families. Treatment can take place one on one or in a group and usually lasts 6 to 12 weeks but can last longer.

Even if there is minor flooding in your area, floodwaters are deceptively dangerous. They can hold chemical waste, debris, and animals, or electrically charged currents. Six inches of moving water can knock you off your feet, and two feet of moving water can push your car away. Despite their unpredictability and dangers, you can prepare for a flood to stay safe.

We understand that disasters like floods leave lasting effects long after the waters have receded. The Salvation Army is committed to providing long-term recovery and disaster relief efforts for as long as a community requires us. Our disaster recovery teams and emergency service providers often stay months and sometimes years after a disaster, working with local, state, and federal authorities to help with long-term disaster relief programs.

But, current climate pledges would mean a 14 per cent increase in emissions. And most major emitters are not taking the steps needed to fulfil even these inadequate promises. Climate activists are sometimes depicted as dangerous radicals. But, the truly dangerous radicals are the countries that are increasing the production of fossil fuels.

Some common synonyms of dangerous are hazardous, perilous, precarious, and risky. While all these words mean "bringing or involving the chance of loss or injury," dangerous applies to something that may cause harm or loss unless dealt with carefully.

The favorite food of cassowaries is fallen fruit of the rain forest, and their claws come in handy for scraping up the fruit from the forest floor. But they will eat other foods too, including insects, snails, fungi and sometimes dead animals.\u00a0 They can also catch fish\u00a0 by sitting in a stream and spreading their feathers to form a sort of net.

Cassowaries are culturally important for some Aboriginal groups, and they sometimes feature in traditional ceremonies, dances and Dreamtime narratives. Several of these indigenous groups are now involved in cassowary conservation, using traditional ecological knowledge along with modern science.\r\n

The favorite food of cassowaries is fallen fruit of the rain forest, and their claws come in handy for scraping up the fruit from the forest floor. But they will eat other foods too, including insects, snails, fungi and sometimes dead animals. They can also catch fish by sitting in a stream and spreading their feathers to form a sort of net.

Cassowaries are culturally important for some Aboriginal groups, and they sometimes feature in traditional ceremonies, dances and Dreamtime narratives. Several of these indigenous groups are now involved in cassowary conservation, using traditional ecological knowledge along with modern science.

Although any shark may be potentially dangerous, especially if provoked, it is believed that only a few species of Hawaiian sharks have been responsible for biting people. However, many inshore species are difficult to distinguish from each other, and positive identification is often not made. 589ccfa754

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