Stay At Home
Practice Challenge
Practice Taiko, Win a group Prize
Groups are competing with one another for how many minutes (average)
each member practices during a 4-week period to win the Prize!
(Details at the bottom of page)
What people in the Challenge practiced during the 4 weeks...
Final Standing
-Criteria and What Counts as Practice-
Four members from your group or 50% of the group - whichever is higher must participate in the Challenge. If you don't belong to a group (for instance, you're a student at a taiko school), then go ahead and gather some good friends, name yourselves and start a temporary group for this purpose!
Individuals are responsible for logging in their practice minutes. What counts as practice are:
Taiko Group practices (online or in person)
Alone practices for taiko and auxiliary instruments that will serve beneficial to your group in a gig/concert setting (ie. fue, chappa, shamisen, etc.)
What does not count as practice are:
Yoga, physical training outside of an instrument practice, stretching, meditation, etc. (though we understand that you may be doing it for your group).
(It is recommended that you log in your practices on the day that you practice,
but you may log the total of a few days worth of practicing if you happen to miss a day.)
Challenge Sign Up Deadline: June 6
Challenge Dates: June 7~ July 4 (four weeks)
Location: Respective Homes/Practice Spaces
Challenge Types:
Main Challenge where the winner amongst all the groups will receive a Surprise Assortment Gift Box containing $500 worth of Asano products.
Additional Bonus Challenge where a group can challenge a rival and determine their own wager.
Winner is determined by whichever group has the highest average of minutes practiced per person at the end of 4 weeks.
Sign Up:
Use the FORM below to sign up for both challenges. DEADLINE - June 6
Challenge Your Rival (optional):
Use this CHALLENGE FORM to send an official challenge to another group, and this RESPONSE FORM to accept the challenge.
Log in your minutes (starting June 7):
Individuals shall use the FORM below to log in their practice minutes.
Check the Standings:
Look at the bottom of this page to check and see who’s winning!