Stay At Home

Practice Challenge 3

Virtual Recital Practice Challenge

Groups compete with each other for how many minutes (average)

each member practices during a 4-week period to win!


Challenge Sign Up Deadline: On going (e-mail Katsuji!)

Challenge Dates: December 6~January 2 (four weeks)

Location: Respective Homes/Practice Spaces

Metric: Winner is determined by whichever group has the highest average of minutes practiced per person at the end of 4 weeks.


-Criteria and What Counts as Practice-

  1. Individuals are responsible for logging in their practice minutes. What counts as practice are:

  • Taiko Group practices (online or in person)

  • Alone practices for taiko and auxiliary instruments that will serve beneficial to your group in a gig/concert setting (ie. fue, chappa, shamisen, etc.)

  1. What does not count as practice are:

    • Yoga, physical training outside of an instrument practice, stretching, meditation, etc. (though we understand that you may be doing it for your group).

(It is recommended that you log in your practices on the day that you practice,

but you may log the total of a few days worth of practicing if you happen to miss a day.)