Your soa_shape_map data is in a projected coordinate reference system (CRS) that uses metres for horizontal coordinate units (# TM65_Irish_Grid). You either need to project it to the same geographic CRS as your lon, lats (I don't know what geographic CRS you're using) or project your lon, lats to the same projected CRS as your shapefile.

I have a shapefile that shows Manhattan wards when I "Add Data" it into ArcMap. I then go to Geoprocessing -> ArcToolbox -> Data Management Tools -> Projections and Transformations -> Define Projection. I then input my .shp file and select NAD 1983 State Plane New York Long Isl FIPS 3104 (US Feet) for the coordinate system. After I do this, my shapefile displays just fine.

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I then "Add Data" a .csv file which contains addresses and the latitude and longitude for these addresses. I then right-click on this layer and select "Display XY Data...". I then make the "X Field" latitude and the "Y Field" Longitude and use the same coordinate system as mentioned above. However, the points never display. I still only see the wards shapefile displayed. Both layers are present in the Layers menu, but only one is actually being displayed.

Alternatively, if I restart ArcMap and add the points first and display the XY data, I see that the points are displayed. After I add the shapefile, the shapefile does not display. I only see the points. It seems I can always display one thing but not the other.

When you say "latitude" and "longitude" you normally mean a geographic coordinate system like WGS84. Whilse X and Y often refer to a projected coordinate system like NAD. You defined NAD for both layers...I think you should define a geographic coordinate system for your CSV File, if it really contains geographic coordinates.

ArcMap uses the spatial reference system of the first layer which is added as the display SRS (you can change this afterwards for sure), thats why you saw your shapefile first and after restart and adding the points saw the points first.

I am looking for a Java based solution, that where given a randomly generated latitude/longitude - to determine whether that point resides within the United States. One tool I have found useful (but am new to) is GeoTools.

When I started in August, I opened ArcMap and opened the basemap layer, set the coordinate system of the "Layers" to UTM 19S and found some tutorial on creating a shapefile from scratch, which I followed and image 2 was the result so far, only that it was showing at the correct location back then.

Much like Melita said, it appears your shapefile was created using a lat/long coordinate system (GCS), but it is trying to present itself as a UTM projection now. I've seen this happen when people use the "Define Projection" tool incorrectly. All the tool does is setup whatever projection metadata you give it into the .prj definition (you CAN give it the wrong information, hence errors). If you run the "Define Projection" tool and set it as GCS_WGS84, your shapefile should now draw at the proper location in Lat/Long. If you wish to transform the shapefile into UTM 19S afterwards, use the "Project" tool, which will create a new shapefile with the same data, but in the new source projection. This is recommended if you're going to be doing any measurements on the data later on.

Ah! The shapefile is in latitude and longitude aka a geographic coordinate reference system. Change its coordinate system to WGS84 and see if it lines up. If not, try PSAD 1956 (under geographic coordinate systems, South America). If using the latter one, you'll also have to set a transformation, PSAD_1956_To_WGS_1984_2, in ArcMap (see the Transformations button on the Coordinate Systems tab in data frame properties.

From what you wrote, I understand that the extent of the shapefile is not consistent with the CS (or Projection or Projected CS, for that matter; I still have difficulties distinguishing between those three. I have to look that up.), I still struggle to understand how I should proceed.

I have a pandas dataframe that include longitudes and latitudes of different existing dispensaries that we want to plot on a map (probably a shapefile) to show the different concentrations of the different deliveries and storefronts.

I think this is the right first step; it created a column called "geometry" . I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. But when I tried to get the dataframe points onto the shapefile, it showed a plot of the shapefile but instead of the points being on the map, it looked as a single point (or every point in 1 spot) that wasn't even on the map but in the ocean way to the west. I guess it might help if I shared some of the code for this (I know it might be hard to understand since you guys cant see the dataframe I'm using but heres a shot)

Mapping systems are complicated -- as I understand that one location on the ground will have many different latitude-longitude values depending on which geographic coordinate system is used. does SAS have code to run to produce the geographic (datum) transformations to reconcile the x and y's to lat/longs

First, Proc MAPIMPORT just takes the same coordinates that was in the shapefile. It just converts the shapefile into a SAS Date set. (Note, you may need to use the ID statement. See the doc and examples).

Third, you need to know what projection your shapefile is in. It may be unprojected. In that case, you would need to take your MAPS or your MAPSGFK data as unprojected too (MAPS must be converted to degrees). Use Proc GPROJECT to project your data. You need to combine both the maps and the coordinates together.

The only latitude and longitude value you have in this caseis the geo-located point. If you have a different lat/long for the the objects you want to move, figure out how far away from the geo-location coordinates the point is in whatever units you are using and enter those using the [x,y,z] values.

This article contains an example that shows how to get latitude and longitude coordinate values for point shapefiles that use a projected coordinate system. Procedure This example assumes the point shapefile was generated by digitizing over a projected USGS TIFF quad. The projection of the point shapefile is assumed to be the same as the TIFF image. You must know the projection of the image, which may be different than the one in the example.

Steps 5 and 6 show how to add a shapefile in the Geographic Coordinate System to a view that contains a projected image. These steps align the shapefile and the image.Load the existing project containing the USGS quad and point shapefile.Un-project the point shapefile into the Geographic Coordinate System (Decimal Degrees).

See: How To: Unproject shapefiles from UTM NAD 83 to GCS NAD 83 (Decimal Degrees)Load the new shapefile into a new view.Get X and Y coordinates for the new shapefile.

See: How To: Get X and Y coordinates for a point or a polygon centroidThe addxycoo.ave sample script returns the latitude and longitude coordinates.Load the USGS quad into the view.Set the projection of the view to the projection of the USGS quad.

See: How To: Set a view's map units and projection Article ID:000002217

Essentially a shapefile is not composed of a single file, but is a collection of files including a list of shapes, a db2 database, and potentially a projection file that explains how to convert latitude and longitude to the coordinate system used in the shapefile.

Typically the coordinate system is not in latitude and longitude, but universal transverse mercator or UTM. More insight into the coordinate system does not fall within what I want to cover in this post.

Specifically I used the shapefile of the boroughs. In the end this would allow me to extend the functionality of the program to report which borough the point was in instead of just knowing that it fell within New York City.

The second string is a coordinate system for latitude and longitude based on a standard called GRS 80. This coordinate system is listed in the WKT provided by the projection file and can be found in the wktstring field.

Finally, we iterate through our list of studies, perform the transformation, create a new Coordinate (provided by DotSpatial), and test it with a point in polygon algorithm. If the point is within the shapes provided by the shapefile add it to the list of NYC studies.

Apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but just wanted to add that these instructions worked for shapefile output, but gave an error with GeoPackage output; I had to replace ArchGDAL.createfeature() with ArchGDAL.addfeature() to get it to work for GeoPackage.

Are these codes still working? Do they work if Lon, Lat are Vector{Float64} instead of Array{Float64, 1}? I had trouble reproducing them but I am a very beginner.

I just want to create a shapefile layer from point coordinates.

Thanks anyway

Hi. I cannot figure out how to add latitude and longitude to each of the blocks in a drawing that I am trying to export a shapefile from. I have successfully exported a shapefile with points representing blocks, but lat and long are missing.

I think you meant to say 'containing a .shp, a .shx, a .dbf and a .prj.' What program are you using to add or view your shapefile? Can you name that program? A shapefile has a minimum of four components. 006ab0faaa

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