If you are using a third-party tool, such as PgAdmin, to restore the provided dump file, the restore may not succeed even with the installed Postgres version being up to date. This is due to third-party tools often bundling their own versions of the pg_restore binary, that may not be up to date. -am-i-getting-pg_restore-archiver-unsupported-version-1-13-in-file-header-error-with-pg_restore

The archiver process goes through your search head knowledge objects (such as lookups) and bundles them into a tar file so they can be sent to the indexers. Its good to keep your bundle size small as possible so this is ujst an informational message to say there is a large file. If it is not needed then you should delete it or add it to the replicationBlacklist of distsearch.conf

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Yep, exactly the same issue here - running latest VCSA and still getting the postgres archiver service stopping (confirmed that the timeout is set to 600ms in the config with this version of the VCSA).

Use full paths when matching member names rather than just the file name.This can be useful when manipulating an archive generated by anotherarchiver, as some allow paths as member names. This is the default behaviorfor thin archives.

llvm-ar understands a subset of the MRI scripting interface commonlysupported by archivers following in the ar tradition. An MRI script contains asequence of commands to be executed by the archiver. The -M optionallows for an MRI script to be passed to llvm-ar through thestandard input stream.

http.FileServer will try to sniff the Content-Type by default if it can't be inferred from file name. To do this, the http package will try to read from the file and then Seek back to file start, which the libray can't achieve currently. The same goes with Range requests. Seeking in archives is not currently supported by archiver due to limitations in dependencies.

In addition to the Data Archiver module, the Archive Runs module is displayed as a subpanel under the record view of any data archiver record. The Archive Runs subpanel displays a history of runs that have occurred for the parent data archiver record, giving the administrator a clear history of what has occurred in the system and access to the affected record IDs.

Data Archiver jobs will run automatically on regularly set intervals when the Run Active Data Archives/Deletions scheduler is active. Whether the scheduler is active or not, an administrator may also run Data Archiver jobs manually as needed by clicking the "Perform Now" button on a data archiver record.

After saving an active Data Archiver record, the archive or deletion will automatically process the next time the Run Active Data Archives/Deletions scheduler runs. Alternatively, you may click on "Perform Now" in the data archiver job's record view to run the job immediately without activating or waiting for the scheduler.

When you hard-delete data via the Data Archiver, Sugar will preserve the IDs (and only the IDs) of the records that are deleted in a database table called archive_runs. All other data related to the hard-deleted records will be gone and not recoverable from any means other than a local backup. Therefore, we recommend backing up your database before performing hard-delete actions. Customers with access to their database can retrieve the list of IDs that were hard deleted in the row of the archive_runs table that is associated with the job that ran from the parent data_archivers record. SugarCloud customers can make and download a database backup to access the archive_runs table or create a report in the Advanced Reports module if they are using Sugar Sell or Serve. Once you have the deleted IDs, you may be able to restore hard-deleted records by comparing the IDs with your backup.

Archiving in pScheduler is reliable. After each attempt to dispose of the result, the archiver plugin will tell pScheduler whether it succeeded and, if not, whether or not to try again and how long to wait before the next attempt.

The bitbucket archiver sends measurement results to the bit bucket (i.e., it does nothing with them). This archiver was developed for testing pScheduler and serves no useful function in a production setting.

The esmond archiver submits measurement results to the esmond time series database using specialized translations of results for throughput, latency, trace and rtt tests into a format used by earlier versions of perfSONAR. If it does not recognize a test it will store the raw JSON of the pscheduler result in the pscheduler-raw event type.

The failer archiver provides the same archiving function as bitbucket but introduces failure and retries a random fraction of the time. This archiver was developed for testing pScheduler and serves no useful function in a production setting.

headers - Optional, available in schema 2 and later. A JSON object consisting of pairs whose values are strings, numeric types or null. Each pair except those whose values are null will be passed to the HTTP server as a header. The archiver gives special treatment to the following headers:

Content-Type - If not provided, the archiver will provide one of text/plain if the data to be archived is a string or application/json for any other JSON-representable type. To force strings into JSON format, provide a Content-Type of application/json. This behavior can be disabled by providing a Content-Type header with the desired type or null.

Content-Length - If not provided (which should be the usual case), the archiver will calculate and supply the length of the content. This behavior can be disabled by providing a Content-Length of null.

routing-key (Optional) - The routing key to be used when queueingthe message. This can be a string or a standard pScheduler jqtransform. If the latter, the schema must be 2. Note thatthis transform is provided with the same data that will go to thearchiver, meaning that it is whatever resulted after any transformin the archive specification.

As part of an archive specification, pScheduler may be instructed to pre-process a run result before it is handed to the archiver plugin. This is accomplished by adding a transform section to the archive specification:

Moreover, users can configure data transfer from databases to OPC DA Servers as well as rules to supervise a list of critical tags or communications with OPC Servers. For example, they can schedule to execute actions automatically when detecting specific statuses, such as sending email notifications, overwriting data values, or starting/stopping archivers.

pt-archiver is extensible via a plugin mechanism. You can inject your owncode to add advanced archiving logic that could be useful for archivingdependent data, applying complex business rules, or building a data warehouseduring the archiving process.

pt-archiver does not check for error when it commits transactions.Commits on PXC can fail, but the tool does not yet check for or retry thetransaction when this happens. If it happens, the tool will die.

If you specify --progress, the output is a header row, plus status outputat intervals. Each row in the status output lists the current date and time,how many seconds pt-archiver has been running, and how many rows it hasarchived.

If you do want to use the ascending index optimization (see --no-ascend),but do not want to incur the overhead of ascending a large multi-column index,you can use this option to tell pt-archiver to ascend only the leftmost columnof the index. This can provide a significant performance boost over notascending the index at all, while avoiding the cost of ascending the wholeindex.

Enabled by default; causes pt-archiver to check that the source and destinationtables have the same columns. It does not check column order, data type, etc.It just checks that all columns in the source exist in the destination andvice versa. If there are any differences, pt-archiver will exit with anerror.

Specify a comma-separated list of columns to fetch, write to the file, andinsert into the destination table. If specified, pt-archiver ignores othercolumns unless it needs to add them to the SELECT statement for ascending anindex or deleting rows. It fetches and uses these extra columns internally, butdoes not write them to the file or to the destination table. It does passthem to plugins.

This option is useful as a shortcut to make --limit and --txn-size thesame value, but more importantly it avoids transactions being held open whilesearching for more rows. For example, imagine you are archiving old rows fromthe beginning of a very large table, with --limit 1000 and --txn-size1000. After some period of finding and archiving 1000 rows at a time,pt-archiver finds the last 999 rows and archives them, then executes the nextSELECT to find more rows. This scans the rest of the table, but never finds anymore rows. It has held open a transaction for a very long time, only todetermine it is finished anyway. You can use --commit-each to avoid this.

WARNING: Using a default options file (F) DSN option that defines asocket for --source causes pt-archiver to connect to --dest usingthat socket unless another socket for --dest is specified. Thismeans that pt-archiver may incorrectly connect to --source when itconnects to --dest. For example:

The default ascending-index optimization causes pt-archiver to optimizerepeated SELECT queries so they seek into the index where the previous queryended, then scan along it, rather than scanning from the beginning of the tableevery time. This is enabled by default because it is generally a good strategyfor repeated accesses.

Adds an extra WHERE clause to prevent pt-archiver from removing the newestrow when ascending a single-column AUTO_INCREMENT key. This guards againstre-using AUTO_INCREMENT values if the server restarts, and is enabled bydefault.

The extra WHERE clause contains the maximum value of the auto-increment columnas of the beginning of the archive or purge job. If new rows are inserted whilept-archiver is running, it will not see them. 0852c4b9a8

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