Birth Doula Services

Now Accepting Tricare Beneficiaries for Doula Support!

2024 Slots Are Open!

What Is a Birth Doula? Why Should You Hire One?

A Birth Doula is a non-medical trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a birth person and their partner before, during and shortly after childbirth to help them achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible

We hold YOU as the birth parent as you bring life into the world and give you the utmost attention so you feel empowered and confident, as well as teaching you the tools to be your own voice and advocate, even when things don't go as planned and flexibility becomes a priority.

Being a certified member of Doulas Of North America (DONA), the world's best trained, we must adhere to the highest standards for the families we serve. Our Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics are guides for doulas as they support families, connect with other professionals and interact with others within the maternity care team.

Sources: DONA (2023) Benefit of a doula. 2023.

Simkin, P. (2012) Position paper: the birth doula's role in maternity care. 2023.

Evidenced-Based Reasons To Have a Doula

DONA (2023), provides commentary on countless scientific trials examining doula care demonstrating remarkably improved physical and psychological outcomes for both pregnant, birthing, and postpartum people and their baby. Doulas have a positive impact on the well-being of the entire family.

Research has shown that doula-supported woman are:

*28% less like to have a cesarean section 

*Lower incidence of forceps intervention

*31% less likely to use synthetic oxytocin to speed up labor 

*9% less likely to use pain medications

*34% less likely to rate their childbirth experience negatively

*Improved breastfeeding initiation

*Lower postpartum depression rates for doula-supported birth persons

Birth Doula Support Services  

Also Included:

Basic Breastfeeding Course (In-Home) - $75 

Scheduled Cesarean Doula Support

Also Included: