
Hi, my name is Audrey Choate and I am a current Sophmore. I am in the STEM program. I am a part of Interact Club to help improve the community around Lassiter. I am also apart of the Theatre Department and the Speech and Debate Club. One of my experience here at Lassiter Interact that I enjoyed was helping with Food Drives.

For any questions contact me: or Remind

Event Coordinator

Hi, my name is Neil Pakulath and I am a Senior at Lassiter. I am a part of Marching Band and Mock Trial. I like serving the community by helping create homes with Habitat for Humanity. One of my favorite experiences in Lassiter Interact was the Walk for ALS which was a very enlightening experience, in which I got to hear several stories of people in person or who had passed away.

For any questions contact me: or Remind

Interact President

Hi, my name is Katia Ramirez and I am a current Senior at Lassiter High School. I want to be a Chiropractor. I have a lot of passion with helping people and contributing to the community. I have been in Interact since Freshman year and have always loved serving. Favorite experience by far is the ALS Walk. If you have any ideas that you want to add or are struggling with logging in your hours. I am your girl. I am always here to help you with anything. Can't wait for this Year!!!

For any questions contact me:

Or on Remind

My name is Christina Cazzola. I earned my Bachelor's of Science in Secondary Education at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. I was a seventeen time National Champion in combined Cross-country and Track and Field events. I set five Division III national records and competed at the USA championships three consecutive years. I continued my Masters of Science in Educational Leadership and Sports Management directly after completion of my first degree. I was a sponsored athlete from 2014-2017. I am highly motivated and expect the best from all students; that is why I am so honored to be a part of the Lassiter community. I started here in January of 2018 and couldn't be happier with the level of dedication toward success and excellence that our school and greater community share. I am delighted to be the sponsor of Interact Club and many other extracurriculars here at Lassiter High School.

If you are interested in joining Interact or you would like us to collaborate on a community project, please email me at

Past Interact Officers and Presidents Honor Roll

Hi, my name is Colin Zimmer and I am a current senior at Lassiter High School. I am also the president of Interact. I've always had an ambition to help others. Even through small actions like bringing someone their phone or giving someone a complement is so rewarding in so many ways. Being the 9th grade Laws of Life contest winner has really inspired me to be so much more than I thought possible. Since then I have started a blog to inspire people as well as trying to be that person people can talk to. I love leading others on the right path and helping the less fortunate. I am in Trojan Buddies and also serve as the vice president of DECA in order to complete both of those goals. My goal is to inspire others and make others feel worth so much more than they actually think. I can't wait to go on this adventure to help the community with all of you, and I hope that you guys are just as excited.


Hey! I'm Sam Thompson, I'm a senior, and I'm super excited to be this year's LHS Interact President! I was honored with the chance to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (or RYLA) summer camp the summer before last. This is my third year as an Interact officer, but my fourth year as a member. I am also a member of Lassiter's Student Council, Lassiter Ambassadors, and several academic honor societies here. I love English and am currently in the AP Capstone Program, excited about my year-long research project! I also play the oboe and am a member of Lassiter's Symphonic 1 band this year :) I can't wait to get to know you all through our joint service to the community!

Feel free to email me with any questions!

Hello, my name is Kailey Larson, a current senior at Lassiter High School. Lettering and receiving scholar athlete in both the cross country and track program at this school has inspired me to keep running as a hobby throughout my life and make a positive change. As one of the leaders of Interact Club and Crafts for Charity, it is my best wish to give back to our community through volunteering. Within Interact, I hope other students will be inspired to make a difference whether it's volunteering or helping others. Furthermore, I aspire to travel abroad helping others less fortunate than myself, encountering life changing experiences. One day, I wish to pursue a career in journalism, writing about these experiences and opening eyes to the help needed around the world.