
Official docs, forms, agendas, and meeting minutes.

Give to Teachers

The Giving Tree Wish List is a list of our teacher's amazon links for items they wish to have in their classrooms throughout the school year.  Any purchases you make from the Giving Tree can earn volunteer hours; every $20 = 1 volunteer hour.

The Staff Favorite Things List is helpful for holiday, birthdayand end-of-year gifts for teachers and other staff. Purchases from this list are considered gifts, and are not eligible for volunteer hours. 

LASA Forms

Log Your Volunteer Hours - Complete this form each time you volunteer!

Log Your Purchases to obtain Volunteer Hours - Log pre-approved  purchases you have made as directed by LASA for classroom parties, events, activities. You will receive one volunteer hour for every $20 you spend. Did you spend less than $20? Log it anyway! Our system keeps track of the purchases you log and calculates your volunteer hours accordingly.

Reimbursement Form (click below) - use for pre-approved purchases for events, committees, and/or activities as directed by LASA.

Board Documents

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Minutes

Treasury Reports