Take part in our research

Who can take part?

We are recruiting volunteers to take part in our research!

You can take part if you:

As part of the study, we also ask a parent or caregiver to answer
some questionnaires about the you.

Before deciding if you want to take part, you can speak to us and read our information sheet.

What happens in the study?

If you decide to take part, you will see the researcher 2 or 3 times online on a videocall

Together you will do activities like looking at pictures, listening to words and sentences, and telling stories. We will also ask your parent or caregiver some questions about you.

At the end of the activities, we will give you a £10 voucher as a thank you for your help.

How can I take part?

To take part in the study, you can contact Elisa, the researcher:

Call or text us 07920 68 45 66

Email us elisa.mattiauda.18@ucl.ac.uk

Tweet us @languageds

How can I learn more?

To learn more about the project and ask any questions, reach out to us!

Email Elisa at elisa.mattiauda.18@ucl.ac.uk

You can also access the study's information sheets here: 
