Committee members
Co-founder and co-convenor: Florence Bonacina-Pugh
Co-founder and co-convenor: Elisabeth Barakos
Lecturer in Language Education, The University of Edinburgh
Researcher and Lecturer, University of Vienna
As passionate language policy scholars, Florence and Elisabeth have together originated the idea of creating and managing a forum of exchange with and for like-minded people engaged in language policy matters. Please reach out to us with any general queries related to this group.
Treasurer: Hao Zhang
Membership secretary: Diana Camps
I am Treasurer and responsible for the budget and the financial health of the SIG. I hold a PhD from the University of Edinburgh and currently work at the Oxford University Press.
Lecturer in Education, School of Social & Environmental Sustainability, University of Glasgow
I am your point of contact for questions regarding your membership. My research maintains a central focus on social justice, how policy discourses are transformed through social action and their role in shaping contemporary programmes and practices.
Communications secretary: Abhi Sharma
Events secretary: Aziz Moummou
Teaching Associate, German Linguistics
University of Cambridge
As Communications Secretary, I'm here to look after the website, manage the email list, and generally keep the electronic gears ticking over in the background. On these matters, please direct any feedback in my direction.
PhD student, Université Hassan II de Casablanca
I am a doctoral student at the University of Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco. My research interests include language policy and planning, language teaching and translation studies. As Events Secretary, I will oversee the co-ordination of the SIG’s events throughout the year.
Former co-opted temporary members of the committee
In BAAL SIGs, the committee can select co-opted members for a fixed period to oversee a particular event or activity. Our former co-opted temporary members are listed below.
Yongcan Liu, local chair of LPF 2020 (Cambridge)
Abigail Parrish, local chair of LPF 2021 (Bishop Grosseteste)
Professor of Applied Linguistics and Languages Education, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
My research interests lie in community/heritage language education and language-in-education policy. I am convener of Cambridge Research in Community Language Education (CRiCLE) Network (
Senior Lecturer in Teacher Development, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln UK
My main research interests are around student motivation in modern foreign language lessons and school-level language policy. I focus on working with students to understand their views on the languages taught in schools.
Tawny Holmes Hlibok, Esq. (Local Chair of Language Policy Forum 2022)
Associate Professor of Deaf Studies, Gallaudet University
Language Planning & Policy Counsel
The Office of the Chief Bilingual Officer
Roles: Deaf Studies Faculty member & Student Body Government advisor
Pronouns: she, her, mx