What we are

What we are

We are a social club for retired and semi-retired men with a business or professional background. Some Members have lived in Witney or nearby villages for much of their lives, others have moved into the area on their retirement. The Club provides an opportunity for retired men (and those approaching retirement) to meet like-minded fellows. Members may attend as suits them best - there is no obligatory commitment.

However we believe that members get the most out of their membership if they help with the Club's activities or administration. Doing this soon after joining is by far the best way to get to know fellow members, and be known by them.

Aspirant members may attend three meetings before deciding whether to commit to membership.

We meet at around 09:30 for a 10:00am start on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month at the Witney Methodist Church.

We enjoy listening to a wide variety of speakers and on the fourth Wednesday there is usually an optional lunch, to which partners, friends and families are invited, at a local restaurant or inn.

Our social programme includes visits to places of interest and entertainment, and occasional gatherings at lunchtime and in the evening. Partners and guests are encouraged to attend, but the degree of participation is entirely up to individual members.

Though most newcomers are introduced by existing members, this is not a requirement and anyone interested in joining is invited to contact the Secretary.

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