Cycling Savvy: Lane positioning information


(1) About Cycling Savvy

(2) How wide does a travel lane need to be to allow safe passing?

(3) Answers to common questions motorists ask about road cycling

(1) About Cycling Savvy

Cycling Savvy is a service of the American Bicycling Education Association.

(2) How wide does a travel lane need to be to allow safe passing?

Many bicycling safety experts state that bicyclists need an operating space at least 4 feet wide and a minimum safe passing distance is at least 3 feet. This distance would probably not be sufficient to satisfy Oregon's safe passing law (see ORS 811.065). Most travel lanes are 12 feet wide and only the smallest of cars (e.g., a Mini Cooper) could offer 3 feet of clearance. A lane that could be shared with most mid-sized cars would have to be at least 14 feet wide. With larger vehicles the lane would need to be at least 16 feet wide. Follow the link below to an excellent video that illustrates this.

Cycling Savvy - Should I share that lane?