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The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) was established by Congress in 1964 to fulfill a bipartisan commitment to safeguard our natural areas, water resources and cultural heritage, and to provide recreation opportunities to all Americans. Using zero taxpayer dollars, the LWCF invests earnings from offshore oil and gas leasing to help strengthen communities, preserve our history and protect our national endowment of lands and waters. The LWCF program is divided into the "State Side" which provides grants to State and local governments, and the "Federal Side" which is used to acquire lands, waters, and interests therein necessary to achieve the natural, cultural, wildlife, and recreation management objectives of federal land management agencies.

The Land and Water Conservation Fund was permanently reauthorized in the Dingell Act of March 2019 and in August 2020 the Great American Outdoors Act fully and permanently funded the program.

Banner photo: NPS/Jacob Holgerson

Land and climate interact in complex ways through changes in forcing and multiple biophysical and biogeochemical feedbacks across different spatial and temporal scales. This chapter assesses climate impacts on land and land impacts on climate, the human contributions to these changes, as well as land-based adaptation and mitigation response options to combat projected climate changes.

The frequency and intensity of some extreme weather and climate events have increased as a consequence of global warming and will continue to increase under medium and high emission scenarios (high confidence). Recent heat-related events, for example, heatwaves, have been made more frequent or intense due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in most land regions and the frequency and intensity of drought has increased in Amazonia, north-eastern Brazil, the Mediterranean, Patagonia, most of Africa and north-eastern China (medium confidence). Heatwaves are projected to increase in frequency, intensity and duration in most parts of the world (high confidence) and drought frequency and intensity is projected to increase in some regions that are already drought prone, predominantly in the Mediterranean, central Europe, the southern Amazon and southern Africa (medium confidence). These changes will impact ecosystems, food security and land processes including GHG fluxes (high confidence). {2.2.5}

Climate change is playing an increasing role in determining wildfire regimes alongside human activity (medium confidence), with future climate variability expected to enhance the risk and severity of wildfires in many biomes such as tropical rainforests (high confidence). Fire weather seasons have lengthened globally between 1979 and 2013 (low confidence). Global land area burned has declined in recent decades, mainly due to less burning in grasslands and savannahs (high confidence). While drought remains the dominant driver of fire emissions, there has recently been increased fire activity in some tropical and temperate regions during normal to wetter than average years due to warmer temperatures that increase vegetation flammability (medium confidence). The boreal zone is also experiencing larger and more frequent fires, and this may increase under a warmer climate (medium confidence). {Cross-Chapter Box 4 in this chapter}

While managed pastures make up only one-quarter of grazing lands, they contributed more than three-quarters of N2O emissions from grazing lands between 1961 and 2014 with rapid recent increases of nitrogen inputs resulting in disproportionate growth in emissions from these lands (medium confidence). Grazing lands (pastures and rangelands) are responsible for more than one-third of total anthropogenic N2O emissions or more than one-half of agricultural emissions (high confidence). Emissions are largely from North America, Europe, East Asia, and South Asia, but hotspots are shifting from Europe to southern Asia (medium confidence). {2.3.3}

Increased emissions from vegetation and soils due to climate change in the future are expected to counteract potential sinks due to CO2 fertilisation (low confidence). Responses of vegetation and soil organic carbon (SOC) to rising atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate change are not well constrained by observations (medium confidence). Nutrient (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus) availability can limit future plant growth and carbon storage under rising CO2 (high confidence). However, new evidence suggests that ecosystem adaptation through plant-microbe symbioses could alleviate some nitrogen limitation (medium evidence, high agreement). Warming of soils and increased litter inputs will accelerate carbon losses through microbial respiration (high confidence). Thawing of high latitude/altitude permafrost will increase rates of SOC loss and change the balance between CO2 and CH4 emissions(medium confidence).Thebalancebetweenincreased respiration in warmer climates and carbon uptake from enhanced plant growth is a key uncertainty for the size of the future land carbon sink (medium confidence). {2.3.1, 2.7.2, Box 2.3}

Changes in land conditions from human use or climate change in turn affect regional and global climate (high confidence). On the global scale, this is driven by changes in emissions or removals of CO2, CH4 and N2O by land (biogeochemical effects) and by changes in the surface albedo (very high confidence). Any local land changes that redistribute energy and water vapour between the land and the atmosphere influence regional climate (biophysical effects; high confidence). However, there is no confidence in whether such biophysical effects influence global climate. {2.1, 2.3, 2.5.1, 2.5.2}

Changes in land conditions modulate the likelihood, intensity and duration of many extreme events including heatwaves (high confidence) and heavy precipitation events (medium confidence). Dry soil conditions favour or strengthen summer heatwave conditions through reduced evapotranspiration and increased sensible heat. By contrast wet soil conditions, for example from irrigation or crop management practices that maintain a cover crop all year round, can dampen extreme warm events through increased evapotranspiration and reduced sensible heat. Droughts can be intensified by poor land management. Urbanisation increases extreme rainfall events over or downwind of cities (medium confidence). {2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3}

Regional climate change can be dampened or enhanced by changes in local land cover and land use (high confidence) but this depends on the location and the season (high confidence). In boreal regions, for example, where projected climate change will migrate the treeline northward, increase the growing season length and thaw permafrost, regional winter warming will be enhanced by decreased surface albedo and snow, whereas warming will be dampened during the growing season due to larger evapotranspiration (high confidence). In the tropics, wherever climate change will increase rainfall, vegetation growth and associated increase in evapotranspiration will result in a dampening effect on regional warming (medium confidence). {2.5.2, 2.5.3}

According to model-based studies, changes in local land cover or available water from irrigation will affect climate in regions as far as few hundreds of kilometres downwind (high confidence). The local redistribution of water and energy following the changes on land affect the horizontal and vertical gradients of temperature, pressure and moisture, thus altering regional winds and consequently moisture and temperature advection and convection and subsequently, precipitation. {2.5.2, 2.5.4, Cross-Chapter Box 4}

Future increases in both climate change and urbanisation will enhance warming in cities and their surroundings (urban heat island), especially during heatwaves (high confidence). Urban and peri-urban agriculture, and more generally urban greening, can contribute to mitigation (medium confidence) as well as to adaptation (high confidence), with co-benefits for food security and reduced soil-water-air pollution. {Cross-Chapter Box 4}

Regional climate is strongly affected by natural land aerosols (medium confidence) (e.g., mineral dust, black, brown and organic carbon), but there is low confidence in historical trends, inter-annual and decadal variability and future changes. Forest cover affects climate through emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) and aerosols (low confidence). The decrease in the emissions of BVOC resulting from the historical conversion of forests to cropland has resulted in a positive radiative forcing through direct and indirect aerosol effects, a negative radiative forcing through the reduction in the atmospheric lifetime of methane and it has contributed to increased ozone concentrations in different regions (low confidence). {2.4, 2.5}

Response options intended to mitigate global warming will also affect the climate locally and regionally through biophysical effects (high confidence). Expansion of forest area, for example, typically removes CO2 from the atmosphere and thus dampens global warming (biogeochemical effect, high confidence), but the biophysical effects can dampen or enhance regional warming depending on location, season and time of day. During the growing season, afforestation generally brings cooler days from increased evapotranspiration, and warmer nights (high confidence). During the dormant season, forests are warmer than any other land cover, especially in snow-covered areas where forest cover reduces albedo (high confidence). At the global level, the temperature effects of boreal afforestation/reforestation run counter to GHG effects, while in the tropics they enhance GHG effects. In addition, trees locally dampen the amplitude of heat extremes (medium confidence). {2.5.2, 2.5.4, 2.7, Cross-Chapter Box 4} 17dc91bb1f

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