
Here you will find all information about the 2019 Lancaster Bird-A-Thon.

What is the LCBAT?

The LCBAT is a fun event intended to raise conservation funds. By birding and betting on each species found, each team raises money.

What Organizations Benefit?

The Lancaster County Bird Club, American Birding Association, and others will benefit from funds raised from the event. Another organization of the winning team's choice will also benefit.

Who May Participate?

Any birder or group of birders are welcome to participate in this event. All skill and experience levels are welcome and encouraged to participate. Teams of 4 to 8 people must be formed.

How Long Does This Contest Last?

The Bird-A-Thon will commence at 12 AM on September 22nd, 2019, and conclude 24 hours later. It is not necessary to bird for all 24 hours.

Where Should I Bird?

All birds must be seen inside the borders of Lancaster County to count. Please see the rules and regulations document under "forms" for more information .

How Long Can I Participate?

As long as you would like! Teams may bird for part, or all, of the day.